Tag: things to never say in public

  • 20 Phrases Never to Say to a Sensitive Woman

    20 Phrases Never to Say to a Sensitive Woman

    Avoid using these words around highly sensitive women. Positive communication can improve a relationship; conversely, negativity can break it. Especially in interactions with highly sensitive women, we must choose the phrases we use with care and understanding. Sensitive women, often misunderstood, bring a unique and valuable perspective to our lives. Their sensitivity is not a…

  • 10 Things Smart People Never Say In Public

    10 Things Smart People Never Say In Public

    The words that come out of our mouths can be interpreted in four ways: positive, negative, neutral, or unclear. Smart, emotionally-mature folks tend to speak in public in a deliberate, transparent manner; crafting their words to minimize a negative or enigmatic response. But the truth is that we’ve all said something we’ve regretted. Perhaps our…