Tag: train your brain

  • 3 Ways to Be More Compassionate

    3 Ways to Be More Compassionate

    “Love and compassion are necessities. Without them humanity cannot survive.” – Dalai Lama [dropcap]A[/dropcap]s children, hate, violence, apathy, and greed were as foreign to us as having to pay bills just to survive. We played with other children on our street, helped one another when we tripped and fell.. Indeed, we really had no idea…

  • 5 Daily Disciplines that Reprogram Your Mind to Stay Positive

    5 Daily Disciplines that Reprogram Your Mind to Stay Positive

    Did you know there are simple ways to override default negative thoughts, essentially hypnotizing your mind to think positively? There is no getting around the fact that negativity is all around us, which significantly impacts our minds. The brain is innately programmed with a “negativity bias” – the tendency for your brain to be more…

  • Need to clear your mind? Ask yourself these 20 questions

    Need to clear your mind? Ask yourself these 20 questions

    It is nothing new to say that we are overstimulated, overworked, and constantly distracted. As a result, our minds have become wired for constant stimulation. This is not a healthy way of being, however, and scientists constantly churn out research that reiterates this fact. Through the redirection of your attention, you can clear your mind…