Tag: traumatic childhood

  • 10 Traumatic Events That Cause PTSD (And Ways to Heal)

    10 Traumatic Events That Cause PTSD (And Ways to Heal)

    In the intricate landscape of mental health, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) emerges as a poignant reflection of the enduring impact that trauma can exert on an individual’s well-being. The ripple effects of traumatic experiences extend beyond the confines of the event itself, manifesting in distressing symptoms that reverberate through an individual’s life. Understanding the intricacies…

  • 4 Ways Past Trauma Hurts Relationships

    4 Ways Past Trauma Hurts Relationships

    Past trauma can impact every facet of life, including relationships with loved ones and colleagues. When you’ve faced distressing situations in the past, it can affect your thoughts and feelings in current relationships. If you don’t heal from the mental and emotional damage, you may find it challenging to connect deeply with others. Trauma can…

  • Science Explains How a Traumatic Childhood Causes Premature Aging 

    Science Explains How a Traumatic Childhood Causes Premature Aging 

    A traumatic childhood negatively impacts the mind, body, and soul, sometimes in irreversible ways. Scientists have shown that repeated adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) can cause profound changes in brain chemistry. They’ve also discovered that abusing or neglecting children also affects physical health. That’s because too many negative occurrences lead to a rise in cortisol levels. When…

  • 15 Behaviors That Reveal an Unhealed Man

    15 Behaviors That Reveal an Unhealed Man

    Most people have experienced trauma, and sometimes an unhealed man carries the pain into adulthood. People often experience barriers when trying to move on and heal from trauma. It prolongs the healing and growth necessary to let go of how the hurt affected them. Sometimes trauma occurs after a stressful event, emotional neglect, excess criticism,…

  • 5 Ways Your Life Improves if You Forgive Your Toxic Parents

    5 Ways Your Life Improves if You Forgive Your Toxic Parents

    We can’t choose who brings us into this world; unfortunately, some have toxic parents. They may not mean to make their children’s lives miserable, but they can unknowingly cause lasting psychological and emotional trauma. Most parents want the best for their kids and try their hardest to provide them with a stable life. However, if…

  • 10 Signs of a Neglected Child Never to Ignore

    10 Signs of a Neglected Child Never to Ignore

    Every day you pass children on playgrounds, in your child’s school, or in public places suffering from neglect, but you may not notice the signs. Some kids hide their grief very well, but others show the painful symptoms of a neglected child. Some of these kids experience trauma and abuse, while others go without food,…