Tag: traumatic events

  • 5 Ways Your Life Improves if You Forgive Your Toxic Parents

    5 Ways Your Life Improves if You Forgive Your Toxic Parents

    We can’t choose who brings us into this world; unfortunately, some have toxic parents. They may not mean to make their children’s lives miserable, but they can unknowingly cause lasting psychological and emotional trauma. Most parents want the best for their kids and try their hardest to provide them with a stable life. However, if…

  • 3 Ways to Heal Abandonment Trauma

    3 Ways to Heal Abandonment Trauma

    Abandonment trauma is something many people struggle with without even realizing it. And it can affect all aspects of your life, especially relationships and how you interact with people. This trauma usually comes from living through bad childhood experiences or abandonment at other points. That doesn’t mean that only kids struggle with it. Childhood is…

  • 3 Things That Cause Chronic Fear

    3 Things That Cause Chronic Fear

    Fear naturally occurs as a response to an immediate or perceived environmental threat. When we feel anxious or in danger, our bodies release massive amounts of adrenaline, which triggers the fight-or-flight response. Anxiety, a survival instinct, prompts us to take action during periods of acute stress. However, when it becomes chronic, it puts our bodies…

  • 3 Ways to Heal from Domestic Trauma

    3 Ways to Heal from Domestic Trauma

    If we lived in an ideal world, no one would ever go through domestic trauma. But unfortunately, relationships aren’t all filled with love and respect. Sure, it’s normal that couples go through rough patches. But there’s a difference between that and having a partner who belittles and abuses you. While all abuse is wrong, having…

  • 4 Signs of a Wounded Inner Child

    4 Signs of a Wounded Inner Child

    One of the first things you need to be aware of is that the concept of a wounded inner child is a psychological term. Having unresolved childhood trauma is such a big issue, and so many people struggle with it that it got its name. And, worse, most people who deal with this issue don’t…

  • Study Reveals That People with Tattoos and Piercings Often Had Childhood Abuse

    Study Reveals That People with Tattoos and Piercings Often Had Childhood Abuse

    Tattoos and body piercings are common and have become a popular trend. People have different reasons for getting body modifications, including childhood abuse. While childhood trauma isn’t the only reason for getting tattoos or piercings, its prevalence is worth discussing. Everyone chooses tattoos with different meanings, making them personal marks of their life. There are…