Tag: traumatic

  • 15 Behaviors That Reveal an Unhealed Man

    15 Behaviors That Reveal an Unhealed Man

    Most people have experienced trauma, and sometimes an unhealed man carries the pain into adulthood. People often experience barriers when trying to move on and heal from trauma. It prolongs the healing and growth necessary to let go of how the hurt affected them. Sometimes trauma occurs after a stressful event, emotional neglect, excess criticism,…

  • 3 Ways to Heal Abandonment Trauma

    3 Ways to Heal Abandonment Trauma

    Abandonment trauma is something many people struggle with without even realizing it. And it can affect all aspects of your life, especially relationships and how you interact with people. This trauma usually comes from living through bad childhood experiences or abandonment at other points. That doesn’t mean that only kids struggle with it. Childhood is…

  • 3 Things That Cause Chronic Fear

    3 Things That Cause Chronic Fear

    Fear naturally occurs as a response to an immediate or perceived environmental threat. When we feel anxious or in danger, our bodies release massive amounts of adrenaline, which triggers the fight-or-flight response. Anxiety, a survival instinct, prompts us to take action during periods of acute stress. However, when it becomes chronic, it puts our bodies…

  • 10 Types of Shame to Let Go Immediately

    10 Types of Shame to Let Go Immediately

    Have you ever dreaded looking in the mirror to face yourself? Maybe it’s because you’ve come to believe false things about yourself. These types of shame can negatively impact your life, and you do not see the true beauty within you. It’s common for people to use the words shame and guilt interchangeably. While they…

  • Neuroscientist Warns That Trauma Bonding Is a Covert Form of Abuse

    Neuroscientist Warns That Trauma Bonding Is a Covert Form of Abuse

    Talking about trauma in a relationship isn’t an easy conversation, but it is necessary. It involves more than physical abuse, and any form is dangerous. Walking away from an abusive relationship requires identifying that there’s an issue–like trauma bonding. Traumatic bonding occurs when a survivor of abuse develops an attachment or has sympathy for their…