Tag: tree

  • Tree Rings May Reveal Evidence of Supernova Activity

    Tree Rings May Reveal Evidence of Supernova Activity

    New research by University of Colorado Boulder geoscientist Robert Brakenridge shows that tree rings may hold evidence of massive space explosions. When a huge star dies off, it emits high levels of gamma radiation into the cosmos. However, these colossal explosions don’t only affect space. Additionally, they leave permanent records in Earth’s geology as well.…

  • 5 Lessons You Can Learn From A Tree

    5 Lessons You Can Learn From A Tree

    Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” We would benefit greatly if we only took the time to pay attention to the simple lessons a single tree has to offer. We can learn so much from the way it reacts, conforms and moves on. Almost every part of it can…

  • Bios Urn Will Turn You Into A Tree After You Die

    Bios Urn Will Turn You Into A Tree After You Die

    Is there life after death? That’s one of the big mysteries of life. There are many different beliefs about what happens to our souls after we leave this world. Where there is no debate is what happens to our bodies. Now, you could come back–as a tree. What happens to the physical form of someone…