telomeres diagram

Telomeres: Translating Your True Age

“We know it only takes one critically short telomere to make a cell die, so it’s clear that the more really short telomeres a person has the faster problems will develop.” ~ Carol Greider

We talk a lot about longevity in our house and are fascinated with the concept of living the longest, healthiest life possible. Longevity is foremost in our minds when we choose the foods we eat, the water we drink, supplements we take, thoughts we think, words we say, the air we breathe, and virtually every aspect of our lives. We often ask each other, “Is this the most life-affirming choice we can make at this moment?” Some people may find this extreme but it works for us.

Healthy Age

Recently we were asked to be part of a study that checks the length of our telomeres to see what our “real” ages are. In very simple terms, telomeres are the small pieces at the ends of all DNA strands that keep them from unraveling. The telomeres shorten a little bit each time the DNA replicates. So you can imagine that over years of DNA replication, telomeres get shorter and shorter.

By taking a blood sample, extracting the DNA and measuring them, you can then compare them to the telomeres of other people in all age categories. This will help you determine if you are slowing down or speeding up your aging process or if you are staying in the range for your age category. It is the most objective and quantifiable test to determine the real age that I am aware of.

So, how did we do?  Are our health and lifestyle choices really making a difference?  Is our fascination with longevity paying off?  Has all this work been worth it?

You bet it is!

My test results came back verifying that my telomeres are the length of someone in their mid to late twenties. Not bad for someone turning fifty this year. I basically cut my age in half! I’m doing a happy dance and drinking a green smoothie to celebrate. And Peter? Well, Peter doesn’t reveal his real age but he is a senior citizen according to the calendar. However, according to his telomeres, he is only 35 years old. WOW!

This is amazing verification that what we are doing is adding years and vitality to our lives. Whether we live another ten or one hundred years, we are happy that we will be living the most vibrant and healthy lives possible. We agree that quality of life is of utmost importance to us. So, if it takes a little extra thought and effort, we feel it is worth it. And it seems our telomeres agree.

How about you?

Are you making the most life-affirming choices possible? Is a vital and vibrant life important to you? Do you enjoy being fully awake and alive? The choice is yours.

For more, you can also read “The Immortality Edge: Realize the Secrets of Your Telomeres for a Longer, Healthier Life” to learn more about telomeres and how you can preserve yours!


12 responses to “Telomeres: Translating Your True Age”

  1. I am so happy now for Power of Positivity.Everyday I get inspiration for positive thinking.Thanks a lot.

  2. StuandPam Griffin Avatar
    StuandPam Griffin

    Doing what I can as a Senior Citizen. Walking 2 or more miles per day at a fast pace. Lost some weight and gained more energy. Feels Great.

  3. I definitely subscribe to a health lifestyle. We all need to take responsibility for our own health, eating healthy , staying fit and regular doctor's visits are a part of that… However, I am a firm believer in heredity. My grandmothers are both still alive one almost 90 the other close to 100 and my paternal grandfather lived to be 97! This of course does not mean that I am going to start eating chocolate and cheeseburgers for breakfast… It just means that, a healthy lifestyle coupled with my families history of longevity may give me give me an advantage over others.:)

  4. Regina West Pereira Avatar
    Regina West Pereira

    Thank you for your service! I lover reading the info you bring to the rest of us!

  5. This is an amazing article. I'm sharing it a lot ;).

    1. Thank you, Marcy. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  6. I just started a suppement that my Naturopath suggested – which is all about lengthening the telomeres. When I've done this a bit – plus all that YOU recommend, then I'd love to really check it out. (smile)

    1. Please keep us posted on that, Diana. I would love to hear about your results. I love that idea of keeping an inner journal, John.

    2. John Scarbrough Avatar
      John Scarbrough

      Oh Good, Diana. The fraying of the telomeres is at the heart of all health problems such as getting old, etc. Please keep a good inner journal of the state of your conscious reality as you monitor the psycho-phisiological journey. Love you!

  7. Awesome. Great to have the work done and see confirmation that what you're doing works (as if there was any doubt).

    1. That's so true, Logan. Thanks!

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