texas storm

Historic Winter Storm Brings Texans Together in a Time of Crisis

The winter storm that moved across the country in February of 2021 left many Texans in a dire situation. Knocking out power and water for millions, the storm left destruction and chaos in its wake. Trapped in their frozen homes, Texans found themselves in a life or death struggle for survival. Many burned whatever they could find in their homes to stay warm, even furniture and backyard fences.

In the deadly storm, Texans realized they had to lean on each other for support and supplies. People opened their doors and hearts to strangers, letting people in who needed shelter from the storm. Grocery stores that lost power while customers were shopping let them leave without paying. One woman who’s a nurse stayed behind in her neighborhood without power to help her elderly neighbors.

These selfless people did whatever they could to help others make it through this unprecedented storm. They are not just generous citizens – they are heroes, and we want to share these heartwarming stories with you. There have been thousands of acts of kindness during this crisis, and we wish we could share them all. The storm may have left people in the dark, but it could never dim the light in Texans’ hearts.

Here Are Three Inspiring Stories of Texans Helping Each Other During the Storm

One couple in Austin let a delivery driver take shelter with them

Chelsea Timmons had planned on driving home after accepting her last delivery before the storm last Sunday. She lives in Houston, but was in Austin for the weekend taking deliveries to make extra money. Chelsea took some orders in the morning and planned to head home around noon before the snow hit that night. However, things didn’t go quite as planned, and she found herself stranded.

Weather conditions had already become treacherous, so it took over an hour to complete her last delivery. When she finally made it to Nina Richardson and Doug Condon’s home, she noticed their driveway had a steep incline. Even though she drove down the hill slowly, her car started sliding down the ice. Chelsea ended up losing control of the car, rolling through their flowerbed and hitting a tree.

Luckily, she wasn’t hurt and there was no damage to their property. When she told the couple what happened, they were completely understanding. However, she was unable to get her car back up the slippery driveway. She called a tow truck and taxi services, but none of them could make it to the house.

With no options left, the couple offered to let her stay the night in their guest bedroom. Chelsea was floored by their generosity and made a Facebook post about the whole situation.

In her post, she said: “These people let a complete STRANGER stay the night! Not only that but cooked me a STEAK DINNER! definitely not how I imagined my Valentine’s Day!”

The storm only got worse, so Chelsea ended up staying with the couple for five nights! She felt blessed to have weathered the storm with such generous people, calling them “guardian angels.” When Chelsea left Friday, they had become like family, and she will never forget their kindness.

Photo credit: Facebook

When a Texas grocery store lost power, they let customers leave without paying

Texans know that HEB, a major grocery chain in the state, always has their back. They have come to the rescue in many natural disasters, supplying Texas with food and water. This situation was no different.

Some customers had gone days without food, so when the local store opened, they scrambled to get there. They filled their carts with whatever essentials the store had in stock, grateful for anything they could find. However, when the store lost power, everyone panicked. Many customers only had credit cards, so they had no way to pay for the groceries.

When they got to the checkout, the cashiers just waved them on, telling them to drive safely. Some shoppers had full carts of essentials like diapers, formula, food, and water. One customer, Tim Hennessy, teared up when he realized the store was letting them leave without paying.

Shelby Lasker, another customer, was also grateful. She was in the checkout line when the power went out and thought she’d have to put everything back. However, the store let her leave with all her staples and Lunchables for her four-year-old son. She couldn’t believe it.

Once again, HEB saved the day for hundreds of Texans, at a time when they needed it most. The store was truly a beacon of light during a very dark week for its customers.

Tim later called HEB to find out what charities the store preferred donating to. He wanted to pay the act of kindness forward for someone else in need.

HEB store texas
Photo credit: Facebook

A Texas nurse helped elderly neighbors when they lost power

Winter Storm Uri left millions across the state in darkness for days, and for some, it became life-threatening. After power had been out in Emily Grigsby’s neighborhood for 24 hours, she realized the severity of the situation. The 39-year-old nurse started checking in with her elderly neighbors, deciding to stay behind to help. She had opportunities to find another shelter such as a hotel but knew her neighbors needed her.

Emily weathered the storm with her husband and two boys, ages nine and twelve. She melted snow for neighbors to refill toilets and brought three meals a day to a woman who uses a wheelchair. Emily’s neighbors became her patients; she checked their pulse each morning, cooked for them, and kept them warm. Until the storm passed, she cared for them before going back to work at the hospital.

Emily said most of her neighbors evacuated, so she’s glad she stayed to serve the most vulnerable in her community.

Final thoughts: Texans stick together to make it through the devastating winter storm

Nothing gets Texans down for long, not even a once-in-a-century snowstorm. While it may have caused power outages and food and water shortages, it couldn’t take away Texans’ spirit. The dire situation reminds us that love and compassion can conquer even the most brutal forces of nature.