
These TWO Ingredients Will Help You Sleep Better Every Night

In today’s 24-hour, always-connected, super-digitized society, it’s easy to forget the simple things. This includes essential things… like sleep. Until recently, the recommended minimum amount of sleep one should get was eight hours. Into the ’60s, ’70s, and even into the ’80s, 8 hours of sleep was recommended, even by governmental agencies.

Then, technology advanced at a rate that we’ve never before seen. We had the proliferated manufacturing of the personal computer (PC) in the early 80s, the commercialized availability of the internet in the mid-90s, and the evolution of mobile phones in the mid to late. As technology became mobile, businesses adapted right along with it. Managers and executives took their work home, and manufacturing experienced a huge workforce reduction. In short, the economy became even more competitive and cutthroat, resulting in people working longer and harder.

As our world has changed, we’ve become adept at neglecting even the most basic human functions. We consume more fast food, sacrifice most of our waking hours on “productivity”, and see our families less. The government then inconspicuously reduced the recommended amount of sleep from eight to nine hours to six or seven hours.

An important discovery about sleep


pink noise
Read about how pink noise helps you get a better night of slumber.

Then in 2015, the Center for Disease Control discovered something. We’ve inadvertently created an epidemic by sacrificing our human need for sleep (with the government’s blessing, mind you). In conjunction with the National Sleep Foundation (NSF), the CDC discovered a few things:

  • At least 40 million adults suffer from over 70 different sleep disorders
  • 60% of adults report sleeping problems or restlessness a few nights a week or more.
  • More than 40% of adults report severe enough daytime sleepiness to interfere with daily activities.
  • 69% of children experience one or more sleep problems a few nights or more during the week.

Organizations such as the CDC were prompted to investigate after data had revealed an increase in motor vehicle accidents, industrial disasters, and other unfortunate findings. They concluded that Americans simply are not getting enough sleep. The CDC listed sleeplessness as a primary cause of these injuries and deaths.

Simply put:

It is very important to the adult human brain and body to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep per night. Children need more because of their continuous development – at least 10 hours. Teens need a recommended 9-10 hours.

So what can we do to get some much-needed sleep? Making sleep a priority is crucial, as is having a scheduled sleep ritual in transitioning to sleep.

Because of the widespread distractions that people are dealing with – directly resulting in less than an adequate amount of sleep – several different products have been introduced on the market. Companies have seen an opportunity to profit from this epidemic, which has led to the rapid release of such products as ZZZQuil, and Nyquil and the discovery of natural remedies for sleep.

Try these two ingredients instead for a better night’s sleep:

Despite what some multi-billion dollar company says, it is possible to achieve a better night’s sleep naturally. It’s as easy as having two ingredients on hand: organic honey and Himalayan sea salt.

The recipe:

Mix five teaspoons of organic honey and one teaspoon of sea salt. Store in a jar.

When ready to visit Neverland, just put a bit of this mixture under the tongue and allow it to dissolve naturally. This natural remedy should help induce sleep and significantly reduce grogginess when waking up.


Final Thoughts: Give This Two Ingredient Sleep Remedy a Try

Many may wonder how this can encourage a better night’s sleep, given that it is a simplistic combination of ingredients. Well, the Himalayan sea salt works because it includes more than eighty elements that the body needs for various processes, including helping the body recover from the day before.

Honey, the other ingredient for a better night’s slumber, contains glucose that effectively supplies our cells with the necessary energy, which also aids recovery.

When combined, the Himalayan sea salt and organic honey work by increasing serotonin – an essential neurotransmitter in the brain – that is important for inducing feelings of relaxation and well-being.  Combining these ingredients allows us to transition to a relaxed, drifting state of mind and ensures a better night’s sleep.


13 responses to “These TWO Ingredients Will Help You Sleep Better Every Night”

  1. Can you use pink Himalayan salt instead? I’ve heard it’s a great salt to use.

  2. Bill Cauley Avatar
    Bill Cauley

    Is it ok to use in conjunction with anything else you may be taking and/or CPAP machines?

  3. Lynn Andrews Avatar
    Lynn Andrews

    or would ordinary sea salt do

  4. This is BS. Honey has lots of sugar. Sugar is not good for sleep. Salt is not good for sleep either. Gives you higher blood pressure, makes you thirsty. Both products are sympathomimetics.

  5. Im gonna question . the legitimacy of these statements. Unless otherwise reinforced by evidence and research. Salt is salt, and sugar is sugar. These two things combined along with a normal American diet of already way to much sugar and salt . will just inhibit more negative health effects. Any comments behind your logic and strategic thinking on this proposal and use of ingredients for the expressed desired outcome, would be appreciated, and also help me understand the logic behind this article.

  6. Michelle Avatar

    What if you’re a diabetic? I can’t use honey.

  7. Bonnie Fischer Avatar
    Bonnie Fischer

    Could I substitute Celtic Sea Salt for the Himalayan? Thanks.

  8. Please could you give me a replacement for the Organic Honey, I am vegan and do not consume honey so Would appreciate if you can tell me any other sort of replacement.

    Many thanks in advance.

    Karem Ortiz.

  9. So I’m going to try this tonight as I have some severe insomnia issues. Tired of taking drugs, etc.

    Not sure if it matters about grinding this sea salt or not? I have some of it already (thanks Costco) so I went ahead and ground it anyhow. Praying for some restoring sleep tonight!

  10. Lou Hannoe Avatar
    Lou Hannoe

    Himalayan salt contains “over 80 elements” ?

    No, it does not. It is chemically identical to table salt, but with some added rust and dirt for color.

  11. Alvin Cormier Avatar
    Alvin Cormier

    There is no sea in the Himalayans
    Their salt which I use daily comes from the mountains
    Cannot be a sea salt…

    Alvin Cormier

  12. The recipe says to use sea salt, but the description of why it works says Himalayan salt.

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