
Tapping: An Ancient Technique to Unlock Your Full Potential

If I told you that you could completely change your life in ten days, wouldn’t you jump at that chance? The ancient art of tapping is a game-changer for those who slog through daily life without truly living.

Many of us go through life without ever realizing that there is so much more available to receive. We accept what life has dealt us without questioning it. We come to accept health, emotional, and economic troubles just as they are and quickly lose sight of the dreams we once envisioned so passionately.

But, what if things could be different? What if we could change our lives for the better with one simple technique?

There IS actually one simple technique, and it’s called “Tapping”.

emotional-freedom-tappingWhat is Tapping?

Tapping is a technique that has been used for over five thousand years, discovered in Chinese doctrine. Ancient Chinese medical doctors would promote this to their patients thousands of years ago as a way to heal themselves.

In many ways, tapping is much like acupuncture. You take negative energy or pain and focus on it. Then, tapping five to seven times on meridian points, you can release the negative emotional energy that has been blocking you from receiving your abundance. It’s quite simple actually. It can help you achieve more physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Wayne Dyer has said that Tapping transformed his life. He learned what he had control over in his life and how to channel his energy. He also states that he is much more aware of energy in his life and home and owes that to Tapping.

How Does This work?

In a nutshell, Tapping rewires your brain. It can change your whole outlook on life along with every aspect of it. It can help you with emotional disorders, financial difficulties, relief from chronic pain, addictions, phobias, physical diseases and much more.

There’s a reason why many celebrities also regularly practice Tapping. With Tapping, you’ll find the secret to physical and emotional strength. You can and will take your own well-being into your hands and make a better outcome for yourself.

The fact is, you can transform your life. You really do have that power. However, in order to achieve that, you must have the desire to claim it. That is what tapping is all about. Getting the future you deserve by releasing what does not serve you and channeling the positive energy to fully receive. The best part is, anyone can do it.tapping-mind

Essentially, tapping can create a total life makeover.  Dr. Wayne Dyer has used the power of forgiveness, and EFT Tapping, to release himself from the binds of the past.  The tapping technique can radically transform your life.

You can learn from today’s EFT experts at The Tapping Solution. In ten short days, you can see remarkable changes in your physical experience. You’ll realize what has caused you physical or emotional pain and successfully release it.

Do you practice tapping and EFT?  Share your success and experiences in the conversation below!



18 responses to “Tapping: An Ancient Technique to Unlock Your Full Potential”

  1. i am very much interested in Tapping.how to do it?

  2. but what acts physically or mentally we have to do in it? It is still not revealed… 🙁

  3. if anyone knows Tapping centre in India pls let me know….it would be a biiiiig help for me.

  4. if anyone knows Tapping centre in India pls let me know….it would be a biggg help for me.

  5. Please explain me what is tapping in simple language and which is to understand

  6. EFT and Faster EFT (Tapping)
    The original EFT was created by Gary Craig and was shared at very affordable cost. Others have taken over the heavy lifting to advance this variety, and can be located by googling "EFT" and variants such as "EFT tapping for chronic pain" to locate how-to articles, charts and youtubes by the many dedicated practitioners that are promoting and advancing this art & science.
    "FasterEFT is a methodology developed by Robert G. Smith after many years of studying and working with thousands of people. It is a collection of new cutting-edge techniques and processes that integrates the most effective elements of EFT, BSFF, NLP, spiritual understanding, science and the mind’s great ability to transform itself. One of the greatest aspects in FasterEFT is that it is fast, direct and to the point. It has a healthy and logical belief system that is easily accepted. With this great mix of understandings, FasterEFT can quickly transform how you represent your past, shift your emotional disruptions and restore your physical health."
    learn more at http://www.fastereft.com/

  7. youtube has lots of EFT videos

  8. I am from the Phils. How I wish that I could know more about EFT.I am really interested..

  9. Jenny Franklin Avatar
    Jenny Franklin

    I'm curious about that last paragraph. Is there a Ten- Day Clinic of sorts? If so, I would be interested in knowing the cost

  10. Smita Garg Avatar
    Smita Garg

    How i know the tapping exercise???

  11. Rogée Leclercq Avatar
    Rogée Leclercq

    Look on You Tube video Faster EFT with Robert Smith

  12. Daniel Turner Avatar
    Daniel Turner

    http://www.powergeneratorsuk.com we can rewire your brain to one of our generators lol

  13. I love this site will bring my self and other to a new level of life

  14. This is good wish to know more

  15. Ann Fielding Avatar
    Ann Fielding

    Thanks Craig, I need to look out for this in the UK!

  16. I hope another one of these comes my way. Sounds like I missed out. I just love the site here , very refreshing thanks a ton! 🙂

  17. mikefarrel Avatar

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