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20 Uplifting Affirmations for Days You Feel Sadness

Feeling sadness is a normal part of life, and there will be days when you can’t help but feel it. Letting it control your life can negatively affect you personally and professionally, though. Rather than allowing sadness to take control, try using uplifting affirmations to pull you through instead.

Beginning your day with uplifting affirmations can help relieve your sadness. Not only that, but using them throughout the day when you feel sadness creep back in can help, too. The affirmations convince your mind of what you are saying, allowing you to switch your mindset.

As you say the uplifting affirmations aloud, you rewire your subconscious mind. It improves your daily life and changes your thought process so that you can overcome sadness. Choose the uplifting affirmations that apply to your situation so that you can address your most immediate issues first.

Twenty Uplifting Affirmations for Days You Feel Sadness

A little self-love goes a really long way. Remind yourself of your worth whenever you feel melancholy.

uplifting affirmations1. I am healing and getting better every day.

If you experienced trauma that influences your sadness, this affirmation is perfect for you. Reaffirming that you are healing more each day will help you look for the good in your day. You will become more aware of how your sadness eases, allowing it to happen quicker.

2. I am focusing on the things and people I have in my life.

When you are sad because you don’t have something or when someone leaves your life, try this positive phrase. As you focus on what you have right now and the people who have stuck around, you will notice a boost in your happiness.

3. I am strong despite my emotions, and I can get through this.

Sadness might make you feel weak, but remember that you aren’t. You are strong, and you will get through this period of your life. Remember your strength and allow it to help you move forward.

4. I accept painful emotions and then let them go.

The first step to overcoming sadness is to accept the emotion, even when you’d rather ignore it. Ignoring it will only cause it to worsen, but accepting it allows you to validate the feeling. With validation, letting go of the sadness will happen naturally.

5. I am valuable and bring so much to the world.

When you recognize your worth, you will feel happier and more fulfilled. Remember the value that you bring to the world, and use this affirmation to solidify it in your mind.

6. I am doing things that I enjoy, and I won’t feel bad about it.

This affirmation will uplift you as you focus on what makes you happy without caring what others think. Express your happiness about everything, even when others don’t share the same feeling. Do activities you enjoy, dress how you want to, and choose the path that makes the most sense for you.

You don’t have to do what others are doing, even if they try to pressure or convince you. Focus on the things you enjoy, and you will experience much more life happiness.

7. I am focusing on my strengths rather than my weaknesses.

If you tend to focus on the things that you aren’t good at, you will experience more sadness in life. Everyone is different, so don’t focus on what you can’t do and others can. Instead, focus on the things that you are good at.

When you shift your mindset in this way and focus on your strengths, you will experience happiness. Concentrate on your weaknesses will do the opposite, though, as you will always think you aren’t good enough.

8. I am kind, honest, and ethical even through my sadness.

When you are sad, it is easy to let your values slide away, but you should avoid doing that. Instead, continue being kind, honest, and ethical even when it is tempting to be the opposite. By sticking to these attributes, you will receive good karma to cheer you up.

Plus, when you are kind, honest, and ethical, those around you will respect you for it. Others will be kinder and more honest with you, too, helping you to know the truth and experience kindness. All of these things will contribute to you overcoming your sadness.

9. I am connected to the universe.

With a connection to the universe, you will feel complete and fulfilled. Knowing that you have a connection to all of the people in the world and the earth we live on will give you meaning. With meaning, you can effectively overcome sadness and other negative emotions.

10. I am happy and feel loved.

Even when you have a day where you feel sadness, you can still be happy. By telling yourself that you feel happiness and love, you will experience those feelings. Repeat this uplifting affirmation until you have convinced yourself of it.

pop meme11. I am excited about the day-to-day activities of my life.

With excitement for your daily life, you will feel happier as you begin your day. You might not enjoy every detail of your day, but you can find excitement in the routine. Or, you can find excitement in a few of the activities that you have to do, giving you something to look forward to.

12. I am living at my own pace, and that is okay.

You don’t have to live at the same pace as everyone else. We all follow different paths, and there is no right or wrong way to do it. Don’t compare your journey to the journeys of other people, or you’ll drown in your sadness.

Instead, use this affirmation to remember that it is okay to live at your own pace. This reminder will allow you to look for the little joys in life rather than constantly comparing your life to others.

13. I am only responding to loving and healthy relationships.

If someone in your life contributes to your sadness, this affirmation is for you. Respond to those that make you feel happy and good about yourself rather than those that make you sad. Focus on loving, healthy relationships, and your sense of sadness will decrease.

14. I control my thoughts and emotions, and I choose happiness.

No matter what happens in your life, you are in control of your thoughts and emotions. Even when it seems like you can’t pull yourself out of it, you can if you choose to. Using this uplifting affirmation will give you the validation you need to choose happiness.

15. I am grateful for this part of my life journey.

Even the unpleasant parts of life deserve gratitude. Each situation you go through helps you grow and develop into a better, stronger person.

16. I am living in the moment today.

By living in the moment, you allow yourself to let go of regret, fear, and worry. Letting go of those emotions will help you find the joy in your life right now, helping you let go of the sadness, too. Embrace what you are doing and the people you are with right now, and bring your mind to the present.

17. I am resilient during obstacles and setbacks.

Hardship can make you feel sad sometimes, but you are resilient. You will get through this situation, and you will become a better person because of it. Always remember how resilient you are, and sadness won’t settle in as often.

18. I am letting go of the negative words of others.

You can’t always count on other people to be kind, and you likely have heard some negative things about yourself. The hurtful things that other people say can make you sad, but you can’t let them keep you down. Let go of the things that bring you down, and fill your life with positive and kind things instead.

19. I am hopeful for the future and know that everything is working out.

Many times, sadness stems from a lack of hope. With hope for the future, you can maintain a positive mindset and return to a state of happiness. Find comfort in the fact that everything will fall into place and allow the sadness to flow away.

20. I am forgiving, and I let go of things that hurt me in the past.

If your sadness stems from past trauma or pain, then forgive those that caused it. Whether you must forgive yourself or someone else, forgiveness is key to overcoming the pain. Once you have let go of the pain, you can focus on happiness and have fewer sad days.

uplifting affirmationsFinal Thoughts on Uplifting Affirmations for Days You Feel Sadness

Sadness is a natural human emotion, but you can’t let it linger and control your life. Using uplifting affirmations will help you change your mindset and emotions for the better. Remember that you are in charge of the way you feel, so work to develop the feeling you desire.

Accepting your sadness is essential to let it go, so don’t bottle it up or try to ignore it. Accept the way you feel, and then use these uplifting affirmations to turn your sadness around.