negative behaviors

20 Negative Behaviors a Vain Person Displays

What do you think of when you hear the term “vain person?” Do you imagine someone who is always looking in the mirror, a person who’s addicted to having a perfect physical appearance, or do you see someone who is superficial and conceited? Well, vanity is all those things and more.

A vain person usually has a grandiose view of themselves, or so it appears to the outside world. In most instances, this person puts a great deal of emphasis on their appearance to cover up the insecurities on the inside. It’s also possible that this individual has a narcissistic personality disorder that’s causing them to have these feelings.

According to the National Library of Medicine, narcissistic folks have an increased need for admiration, and they lack empathy for others. They often display patterns of grandiosity that stem from inner turmoil. They’re self-centered and have a challenging time maintaining relationships because of their actions.

Twenty Negative Behaviors of a Vain Person

Can you easily spot the negative actions of a selfish person? Their vain nature makes them pretty obvious and hard to ignore. However, here are twenty toxic behaviors that you’re dealing with someone who’s very arrogant.

1. Worrying About What Other People Think

vainThey put a great deal of effort into what others think of them. In fact, they go over the top worried that someone might not think their superior in all things, including their appearance.

2. Puts a Great Deal of Emphasis on Appearance

They want to camouflage the hurts they feel inside, so the best way to do this is to emphasize their presence. They want every hair to be in place and to wear the most stylish clothes. Their outward exterior is so perfect that it’s hard for them to live life without fear of getting something out of place.

3. Can’t Admit Their Faults

This person won’t admit that they’re wrong. Even when faced with undeniable proof, they will fight to the death to keep from admitting defeat.

4. Often Have Anger Issues

It’s not uncommon to see someone with vanity also have issues with anger. Remember, they’re often trying to hide the inside problems, which can cause them to be a ticking time bomb. You will see their inner rage come out if you challenge them or their opinions.

5. Will Resort to Theatrics

Everything this person does is over the top, including their entire personality. They will often resort to theatrics to get your attention. They love to be in the center of it all, so their theatrical displays are often Oscar-worthy.

6. Addicted To Taking Selfies

They always have their camera ready to take a pic at a moment’s notice. They can’t pass a billboard, statute, or other location without feeling the need to snap a picture.

They have tons of selfies because they think that anything and everything is another reason for a snapshot. Others are quite put off by the constant picture taking, as it can be interruptive it’s so frequent.

7. Obsessed With Social Media Platforms

Since they like to take selfies so much, they use social media to share their beauty with the world. These outlets are the perfect spot to get their ego stroked by people “liking” their photos. Folks might become annoyed at all the images of themselves they post, and they probably get “unfriended” a lot.

8. Has an Inflated View of Themselves

They come across to others as having an inflated view of themselves, their worth, and their appearance. They act like they’re the best thing that ever walked the face of the earth, or so they like to make others believe. Remember, they’re trying to make you believe that because they have issues with poor self-esteem.

9. Doesn’t Consider Consequences of Their Actions

They act first and worry about the consequences later. They have impulse control issues, which may or may not stem from other underlying mental health conditions. It’s not uncommon for the narcissist to have other mental health problems that fuel their fire.

The National Library of Medicine states that a borderline personality sometimes accompanies the selfish person, and it’s one mental illness that is extremely challenging to treat.

10. Won’t Listen to Reasoning

Forget trying to reason with this person, as their view is so skewed that they cannot entertain what others say. They only care about their thoughts and opinions, so save your breath.

vain person11. Are Often Loud and Proud

You’ll always know when someone has vanity issues and is self-absorbed because they’re very loud and proud. They like to dominate conversations to talk about themselves. They’re also not above raising their volume to ensure they’re heard.

12. Gives Unsolicited Advice on How Others Can Also Be Perfect

Since they come across as someone who has it all together, they want to share their knowledge with others. They often love to instruct other people on how they, too, can live a perfect life. However, most of their advice falls on deaf ears.

13. Lives a Life With No Apologies to Anyone

It doesn’t matter if they’re wrong; they live their life with no apologies. Even if they’re incorrect on something, don’t think they will ever admit to it. They can hurt your feelings, walk all over you, and act as if nothing happened.

14. Exaggerates Their Abilities

When it comes to job hunting or just regular conversation, they like to exaggerate their abilities. There’s nothing they can’t do or haven’t done in the past. Their inflated view of self-worth makes them come across as the most talented person.

However, when those skills are put to the test, they often fail miserably. Just don’t expect them to admit defeat, as they will turn it around and make it someone else’s fault.

15. Exaggerates Their Worth

This person likes to exaggerate, so they may tell tall tales of how much they’re worth. They want to make others think they have thousands in the bank and live on easy street. They suffer from inferiority complexes, which according to the National Library of Medicine is something that often begins in childhood.

16. Doesn’t Have Healthy Human Interactions

The vain person often doesn’t have healthy human interactions, as their actions often make relationships toxic. They’re tough to get along with, especially since they can grate on the nerves.

17. Often Disagreeable or Rude

You already know that they’re disagreeable because they feel they’re always right, but they can also be downright rude. Don’t ever corner the person who suffers from vanity, as they will come out swinging. They will put you down, resort to using derogatory terms, and do anything in their power to maintain their illusion of perfection.

18. Their Value System Is Skewed

They don’t have the value and moral systems of the average person. They’re not above using unscrupulous methods to accomplish their agenda. Additionally, they’re not going to go out of their way for you, but they will expect you to drop everything to help them when they need it.

19. They’re Focused on Material Possessions

The person who suffers from vanity issues is exceptionally focused on material possessions. They believe that their accomplishments in life are all about material gains. They want the biggest and best homes, cars, clothes, jewelry, and anything else that gets them the attention they desire.

20. They Live in a Fantasy World

It’s clear by this list that the vain person lives in a fantasy world. It’s a space they’ve created that helps them to feel secure. The truth is they’re very insecure on the inside, but they wouldn’t dare let anyone see the lack of self-confidence they conceal.

vainFinal Thoughts on Behaviors of a Vain Person

Vanity, by definition, is someone who has a heightened view of themselves and their abilities. Many people think that vain people only care about looks, but it goes much deeper than outward appearance. Not only do they care about their physique but also their achievements.

When a person suffers from abuse, neglect, or dependency issues as a child, they often have inner needs that go unmet. They grew up with a skewed sense of reality during the formative years that permanently damaged their self-view. So, to cover up for these heartbreaks and hurts, they try to overachieve at everything they do in life.

Now, the arrogant person doesn’t always have to come from a broken home or trauma, as some folks develop this heightened sense of pride over time. Whatever the underlying cause, they can be pretty taxing to handle, and they’re often the center of much controversy at work, social gatherings, and in your personal life.

Do you know someone that suffers from issues with vanity? Do you recognize some of these behaviors listed above in people you know? The best thing you can do is steer clear of the vain one, or at least encourage them to get help for their grandiose sense of self-worth.