vegan recipes

Vegan Recipes: 6 Delicious Breakfast Vegan Recipes You Can Make Every Morning

More and more people are following a plant-based vegan diet. Research has shown that following a vegan diet can lead to less heart disease, lower weight and increased longevity. Sadly, some people are resistant to following a planet based vegan lifestyle because they believe that their diet will be reduced to eating nothing but rabbit food.

However, there are a number of tasty recipes that you can enjoy for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you want to start your day with all the nutrition and energy you need to stay ahead, then consider these tasty plant-based vegan recipes.

These vegan recipes are designed to fill you up while tasting great.

Overnight Oats

Overnight oats are taking the world by storm for its ability to create resistant starch and lower your caloric intake. Creating overnight oats is simple. Take a mason jar and put in two cups of oatmeal. Then add almond milk and something sweet such as blueberries, bananas, strawberries or pure maple syrup. Place the oats in your refrigerator overnight. By the next morning, you will have one of the great healthy and filling vegan breakfast recipes that healthy people love.

Vegan Pancakes

You can never say that pancakes are too unhealthy with this vegan creation. All you need are oats, bananas and water or almond milk. Place two cups of oatmeal and a cup of almond milk into a blender. Then add two sliced bananas into the blender and blend into a batter. Take the batter and place it onto a frying pan to make delicious vegan pancakes. You can sweeten up the meal with strawberries, blueberries, almond butter and real maple syrup.

Vegan French Toast

French toast is a breakfast favorite and thankfully one of the great vegan recipes that you can make in minutes. Blend some flour and almond to create a batter. Than add some day old bread slices to the batter. Now, fry up your vegan french toast like you would conventional french toast. Add some almond butter and real maple syrup for a breakfast that tastes decadent yet is completely healthy for your body.

Flourless Pumpkin Muffins

Now you can have guilt free vegan pumpkin muffins in as little as 10 minutes. Place one and a half cup of oats, a half a cup of canned pumpkin, one tablespoon of cinnamon, a quarter of a tablespoon of nutmeg and a quarter of a tablespoon of ginger and place into a blender. Mix well. Then add a third of a cup of cranberries and mix some more. Spoon the batter into muffin cups and bake for 10 minutes. Cool before serving and enjoy your tasty and totally vegan breakfast cup cakes.

No-Bake Granola Bars

If you are the type that likes to “grab and go” your breakfast, then these no-bake granola bars will be your vegan breakfast of choice. All you need is two cups of oats, your choice of seeds and dried fruit plus coconut oil and honey to bound your ingredients together. Heat up your liquids, add the dry ingredients and press all the ingredients onto a baking pan. Just like that you have one of the easiest vegan recipes you can make. In fact, you can make a week’s worth of vegan no-bake granola bars in just a few minutes.

vegan recipes

Strawberry-Infused Quinoa Breakfast Cereal

Cereal was one of those breakfast staples you had as a kid. However, all the added sugar from your supermarket cereals were not the best for your body. Fear not, this cereal is perfectly healthy for you while being one of the tastiest vegan recipes around. All you need is quinoa, your choice of fruit and almond milk. However, the secret to this breakfast recipe is take your almond milk and blend it with strawberries to create a strawberry almond milk blend that wakes up your quinoa cereal. Best of all, this is one of the vegan recipes you can make in minutes.

Now you can have a tasty and perfectly healthy vegan breakfast any time you want. From no-bake recipes to decadent tasting vegan pancakes and french toast, there is a vegan recipe out there that you will absolutely fall in love with. The key is to try out as many of these recipes as you can until you find the one that you’ll love.

A great way to get started with creating an awesome vegan breakfast routine is to stock up on vegan staples like oats, quinoa, fruits, almond milk and vegan bread. Then you can get started discovering the vegan breakfast that is right for you. Enjoy a tasty and filling breakfast while staying healthy with these tasty vegan recipes today.

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