
Researchers Reveal Natural Ways to Fight Dizziness

Dizziness is a condition that everyone has experienced at a particular point in their lives. However, most people don’t spend much time thinking about it since it does not appear to be a severe condition. However, dizziness can be a symptom of a serious condition such as dehydration, concussion, orthostatic hypotension, untreated diabetes, and more.

Therefore, it is ideal that these causes be treated if they are the underlying reason behind wooziness. But some other natural treatments can make this condition go away.

How to Fight Dizziness

Here are some natural ways to stop dizziness according to research.


1. Use Ginger

If you have a regular problem of feeling lightheaded, include ginger in your daily diet. It is an affordable and natural solution to stop dizziness. A 1982 study revealed that powdered ginger was able to treat dizziness and nausea experienced by people at sea. A prevalent cause of wooziness is poor circulation of blood. Since ginger can stimulate the flow of blood to your brain, it can aid you in eradicating the issue even better than drugs.

If you don’t want to use ginger in your tea and food, you can purchase supplements that have ginger extracts. But using natural ginger is always more effective and healthier. You can even put sliced ginger in your bag and chew it throughout your day.

When it comes to ginger tea, simply boil sliced ginger in water. Then add some honey and fresh lemon juice. The solution will eliminate dizzy feelings and strengthen your immune system.

2. Eat

If you feel dizzy, find out the last time you ate. At times, you get lightheaded due to a low level of sugar in your blood, which is referred to as hypoglycemia.

This condition is common in individuals who diet regularly, who are too busy to have regular meals, and who skip meals, particularly breakfast. But this does not mean that you begin eating more sugary meals.

However, always have something sugary in your possession. Every time you get dizzy, take glucose powder, fresh fruit, or fresh juice. Some great fruits to have on hand are grapes, apples, bananas, and blueberries.

If you lack fruit, eat white bread, chocolate, or ice cream. But beware that too much sugar can lead to similar symptoms. However, if it is chronic, it is usually associated with undiagnosed or untreated diabetes. If this could be the case, consult with a physician immediately.

3. Common Cooking Ingredients

The easiest solutions are generally the most effective. Some of the favorite kitchen ingredients could effectively aid you in getting rid of lightheadedness more safely and naturally than medication can.

For example, celery juice is an ideal solution to wooziness if it results from low blood pressure. You can buy ready-made juice or make it yourself.

Another excellent cooking ingredient is apple cider vinegar mixed with honey. These two ingredients are so potent that they assist in the regulation of your blood pressure and eradication of dizziness.

Combine two teaspoons each of apple cider vinegar and honey before diluting the mixture in a glass of water. Drink the solution thrice a day to get rid of lightheaded feelings.

4. Sleep More

Do not underestimate the significance of sleep. Research shows that people who get insufficient quality sleep are susceptible to a variety of conditions, including chronic dizziness, diabetes, and depression.

Lack of sleep arises from a busy lifestyle, emotional trauma, anxiety, intake of some medicines, drinking excessive caffeine, and stress. You are advised to sleep for about eight hours every day. Hence, be sure to remain organized so that you get to bed early if you know you have to wake up early. Avoid drinking caffeinated beverages, watching violent movies, and working out intensely before bed.

Sleep is a critical element of your life. Once you begin to rest sufficiently, you will stop those feelings of dizziness, get more productive, and feel more energetic.

5. Learn How to Relax

If you usually feel dizzy and your life has plenty of anxiety and stress, you could feel lightheaded. When you experience a high level of stress, your blood pressure and hormones could be affected. Consequently, you might experience wooziness, nausea, panic attacks, and phobia.

Hence, try to determine the cause of the stress and change it. If the cause of the stress cannot be changed, like a stressful job, learn a number of relaxing techniques and utilize them regularly. Some very effective methods are meditation and deep breathing. Look for a secluded place that is quiet, breathe a few times deeply, and meditate.

An excellent meditation technique is focusing on your breath and clearing your mind of any thoughts. It might be hard to lie or sit calmly for a few minutes in the beginning, but don’t give up. With time, you will be able to turn off your thoughts for the meditation period.

If you find meditation hard, you can always try pilates, yoga, or listening to relaxing music. It is good to find out what works for you. Additionally, attempt balancing your life so that you have time for yourself and your family, in addition to work.

6. Drink a Lot of Water

Dehydration is one of the significant causes of dizziness. Hence, drinking water will offer both a short-term and long-term solution to the problem.

Always drink a glass of water as soon as you feel dizzy. But to entirely stop dizziness related to dehydration, be sure to drink eight glasses of water or more per day. It is critical that you drink water in small amounts throughout your day; drinking eight glasses in one shot would be too much. Alternatively, you can have other drinks, like unsweetened fresh juices or clean broth.

Drinking water is particularly essential on humid, sunny, and hot days, or when you experience vomiting, diarrhea, or fever. When your body gets insufficient water, your blood becomes thicker. Hence, it takes time to get to your brain, and you feel dizzy.

7. Adjust the Position of Your Body

The feeling of dizziness usually affects you when you stand or walk. When this happens, be sure not to neglect the feeling. Lie down or take a seat, if needed. This should help you immediately. However, maintain the position for some minutes to allow your body to relax before you can walk again.

Placing your head between your lower limbs is ideal. This posture boosts the circulation of blood in your body to help eradicate lightheadedness. When you are finally ready to stand, do it gradually.

Sometimes, you can feel lightheaded when you have a condition called orthostatic hypotension. The main symptom of the condition is a short-term bout of wooziness, which takes place when you stand up from a sitting or lying posture too rapidly. The condition mostly affects those with low blood pressure and the elderly.

You feel dizzy when you stand up too rapidly because there is insufficient pressure in the arteries that is required to supply blood to your brain. Hence, for a few minutes, the brain lacks enough oxygen, and you feel woozy.

If you suffer from this condition, know that it is not a serious issue. Simply remember to stand up gradually without making any fast movements.

In case the hypotension becomes troublesome, consult your physician. It can sometimes originate from nerve problems, dehydration, or intakes of specific medications, like relaxants, vasodilators, or erectile dysfunction drugs.

8. Exercise

There are various exercises that you can carry out in your home to get rid of wooziness. Some of the straightforward exercises include stretching your neck in an anti-clockwise and clockwise direction, blinking your eyes fast as you stand and stare at a specific point, and moving your eyes in all directions.

Building your body does more than help thwart dizzy spells. Read to learn more.

Other exercises that aid in countering a lightheaded feeling include strolling with your eyes open and closed, strolling while your eyes are focused on a particular point, and walking up a steep incline.

These exercises may sound strange, but studies have proven their ability to strengthen the nerves that lead to wooziness. For best results, exercise 2-3 times a week.

9. Avoid Some Causes

Particular factors increase the likelihood of getting dizzy. In case you have been experiencing this issue, take a close look at your routines for any activity that could be causing wooziness.

One factor that can lead to lightheadedness is head trauma. It could arise from participating in contact sports or being involved in a car accident. Even the mildest head injury can lead to a concussion or contusion.

The main symptoms of concussions are headaches, ringing in the ears, nausea, brain fog, and feeling dizzy. What’s more, if you experience repeated head injury, your symptoms could worsen.

With regards to head trauma, the riskiest sports include rugby, boxing, ice hockey, and football. But bungee jumping, failing to wear a seat belt when driving, or bouncing on trampolines could also make you dizzy.

Since lightheadedness arises from low blood pressure, also avoid particular substances that could negatively impact your blood circulation. These substances include certain drugs, tobacco, alcohol, and caffeine.

Final Thoughts on Dizziness

Whether it is ginger, water, lemon juice, honey, water, exercising, or relaxing, keep doing it even after the feeling of wooziness is gone. These solutions are natural, and they have additional benefits besides treating dizziness.

If these treatments fail to stop dizziness, be sure to consult a doctor to rule out a more severe condition.