in love

10 Ways To Make A Man Fall In Love

It takes less than one second to fall in love with someone. If you’re smitten with a guy, it can be frustrating to feel like you’re going unnoticed. However, you can’t hope to get their attention unless you’re willing to put yourself out there. Getting someone to fall for you can’t be done through force or mind-willing, but you can make it possible through consistent effort.

When trying to get someone to fall for you, it’s important to understand and respect their boundaries. No healthy relationship can be formed through deception and manipulation. These are ten easy ways to make a guy fall in love with you.

1. Be yourself

It might be one of the most clichéd sayings, but it’s certainly true. If you want to get someone to fall for you, it’s crucial that you show them who you really are. If you’re afraid of being yourself around them now, it’s going to be even more difficult as you get closer to one another.

2. Be a good person

Most everyone fancies themselves as a good person, but have you ever taken the time to really evaluate your moral compass? Having good intentions is not the same as being a good person. Your actions speak louder than your words. So, make sure you’re actually doing things that you’re proud of.

3. Solicit their help

People love feeling that they’re valued. There’s no better way to show someone you appreciate them than by enlisting their help. Ask them for a favor or for their advice on a difficult situation and see if they are drawn to you more.

4. Be confident

If you want a guy, you need to show it. You shouldn’t be yelling in the streets about how much you love them, but you should put yourself out there. Talk to them whenever you get a chance. Take initiative by asking them out or complimenting their clothes. You want to show that you’re willing to take a leap of faith.

5. Be their friend

It’s rare to have a strong relationship that goes straight into romance without a platonic introduction. To get someone to be in love with you, it’s important to show them that you are someone who cares for them. You should have fun with them and be willing to let your guard down. Relationship coach Chris Armstrong says that “being in love is about the physical connection we make with someone, sprinkled in with what limited intellectual and emotional connection we’ve made with them.” Keep this in mind as you look for love.

in love

6. Be a good listener

Being in love with someone means that you should care about what they have to say. Don’t make it all about you. It’s very likely that you’ll be eager to share about yourself, but you should also remember that they have things to share about themselves. It should be an even distribution of information shared between both parties.

7. Look them in the eyes

Eye contact is such an overlooked aspect of courting. When you give someone eye contact, you don’t necessarily say that you’re in love with them, but you do suggest that you are highly interested in them. They should hopefully return the eye contact and help spark a mutual attraction.

8. Look good

Everyone is beautiful, but not everyone knows how to show off their beauty. If you want to catch a guy’s attention, you need to work on your appearance. Make sure your clothes fit well and are well-matched. You should also be well-groomed, making your hair and nails look great.

9. Consider similarities

While opposites attract, there needs to be enough common ground between you and the guy to get him in love with you. Think about all the ways that you are alike. It could be a shared hobby or a friend in common. This can be a great branching off point and way to get closer.

10. Let him court you

When you put your bait out for a fish, you should be patient and wait for them to bite. Similarly, getting a guy to fall for you means you should trust your instincts. If he is keen on your signals, you just have to wait for him to reciprocate them.

Getting a guy in love with you should not be rushed. It’s important to take your time with each expert and trust yourself. You want to be considerate, not only to them but to yourself. Take things one step at a time and let yourself enjoy the journey of romance.