weight loss

15 Weight Loss Makeovers That Will Help You Lose Weight

To lose weight, it takes time, patience, dedication, and extreme willpower. No one said it would come easily, but the end result (as well as the strength and health gained along the way) will always be worth it. You can always lose weight fast with weight loss fads, but to have lasting results, plain old diet and exercise are the way to go. If you want to lose extra weight but don’t have the motivation, we hope these photos of people who have lost extra weight will inspire you.

Here are 15 weight loss makeovers that will inspire you to lose extra weight:

1. 211 pounds down and looking happier than ever.

Transformation 384 to 173 Total weight loss of 206 lbs.

2. This goes to show you that age can’t stop you if you want to lose extra weight.

My Mum’s incredible weight loss transformation

3. Wow, can you tell these are the same people? This couple definitely knows how to lose weight as a team!

This couple’s incredible weight loss transformation from r/pics

4. Watch this woman literally shrink before your eyes! If you want to lose weight, this is the ultimate motivation.

Weight loss transformation from r/interestingasfuck

5. These twins lost a combined 143 pounds. If you want to know how to lose weight, they can definitely give you pointers.

Twin weight loss transformation M/18/6’1″ [240 > 175 = 65lbs] (left) M/18/6’1″ [260 > 182 = 78lbs] (right) from r/progresspics

exercise quote

6. 90 pounds down and confidence gained. What a transformation!

F/27/5’7” [235lbs>145lbs=90lbs] Weight Loss Transformation from r/progresspics

7. From 444 to 190 pounds, this woman worked hard to become her best self.

(F, 30, 5’10”, 444 > 190) I need to get serious about losing the rest in 2016 from r/progresspics

8. Same woman in both pics, just 130 pounds lighter in the second.

Female/21/5’5 (255 lbs > 125 lbs = 130 lbs loss) I hit my ultimate weight goal this week. Doing a size 2 happy dance!

9. It’s hard to believe this is the same person! There’s no way to lose weight fast; just work hard and you’ll reach your goals!

F/38/5’7″ [408 > 188 = 220] (25 Months, Varied) Found a TRUE Before Pic, Face Gains, Mission Goal Weight in 2018 from r/progresspics

10. 100 pounds down in 17 months – talk about an inspiration!

F/58/5’6 [283lbs>183lbs=100lbs] (17months) Same jacket after 20-40-60-80-100 pounds lost. Thanks CICO and walking! Celebrating 100 by joining gym. from r/progresspics

11. 151 pounds down in two years.

F/27/5’0” [304lbs > 153lbs = 151lbs] (2 Years) For each pound that I lose, I capture a Pokémon! I have finally caught the entire First Generation. Now to start on Gen 2! from r/progresspics

Also, this woman knows how to have fun AND lose weight at the same time!

12. 125 pounds lost and looking like a totally new person.

F/27/5’4 [250 > 125 = 125 lost] Goal weight achieved! from r/progresspics

13. From obese to bodybuilding. Sometimes you don’t just lose weight; you gain a whole new passion in life.

F/27/5’4″ [260lbs > 130lbs = 130lbs] (2 years) from obesity to bodybuilding from r/progresspics

14. This woman definitely knows how to keep herself motivated to lose weight!

F/30/5’9” [320lbs > 165lbs = 154lbs ] (2 years) 20lbs left to go, keeping myself motivated by focusing on how far I have come from r/progresspics

15. We couldn’t leave the guys out! Remember, you CAN lose weight if you stay positive, work hard, and pace yourself.

M/37/5’6″ [334lbs > 193lbs = 141lbs] (16 months) Trying to remember I’m more than a number on the scale. from r/progresspics

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