weight loss tips

Woman Who Lost 110 Pounds Shares Weight Loss Tips

Are you looking for weight loss tips from someone who knows the struggles firsthand?

Cassandra, formerly known on Instagram as “shrinkingcass,” managed to lose over 110 pounds on her weight loss journey. Once weighing over 400 pounds at her heaviest, she decided to lose weight because she wanted a better quality of life. While this brave woman knew it would not be easy, Cassandra felt inspired to take her health into her own hands. She also wanted to have the energy to keep up with her young kids and be able to do more with them.

She started by eating healthier, exercising at the gym, going for walks, and doing yoga. Cassandra said she had never really made health and fitness a part of her life, but knew it was not too late to start.

“I love exercise and being active. It is something that wasn’t even a factor in my life before, and now it’s pretty much my favorite hobby,” Cassandra said. She proves that anyone can begin a healthy lifestyle and actually enjoy it, no matter one’s age.

Cassandra Summoned Up Her Determination and Dedication

Her dedication led to her losing over 100 pounds over the course of two years. And Cassandra’s incredible journey showed her the importance of staying in shape and improving her health. Putting all her excuses and limitations aside, she put 100% of her focus on achieving her weight loss goals.

Her advice to anyone out there interested in improving their health and losing weight is to keep going, no matter what.

We all have days where we don’t feel like making a salad or powering through a workout, but those days make you stronger. “You will have bad days, you will have days where you get off track. Sometimes it would even turn into a week or month, and that’s normal, that’s okay,” she said.

As long as you get back on track eventually and return to your goals, don’t beat yourself up about taking a break. Life gets busy and overwhelming sometimes, and it’s equally important to rest your body and mind. Indeed, you can learn to relax without giving up entirely because everyone needs a chance to recharge. “You only fail when you give up. You always have to keep going.”

Do Not Worry About Perfection; It Is the Effort That Counts

We hope that Cassandra’s inspiring advice motivates you to work toward your own goals, whether in fitness or other areas of your life. No matter what you want to achieve, it takes incredible willpower and dedication.

Always give 100%, but remember to allow yourself to recuperate and treat yourself from time to time. Humans aren’t machines. So we shouldn’t expect ourselves to act like them.

Instead of trying to achieve perfection, do the best you can, with what you have and where you’re at. We all begin our journeys at different levels. So don’t compare yourself to others.

All that matters is that you become just a little bit better than you were yesterday. Going on a fifteen or twenty-minute walk will always beat sitting on the couch. So if that’s all you have time for, that is a success. You can always become a better version of yourself, even if you take baby steps.

Cassandra wants you to know that you can achieve anything you set your mind to, as long as you work hard and stay determined! You can always modify exercises and go at your own pace.

While her gym was shut down during the pandemic, Cassandra posted some of her favorite workouts to do from home. She didn’t let the shutdown keep her from her fitness goals, and she inspires many who also had to take a break from the gym.

Yoga Is One of Cassandra’s Favorite Weight Loss Tips (and relaxing, too!)

Cassandra focuses mostly on strength training, but she has found a love for Yoga as well. “Yoga has taught me so much lately, not just physically, but mentally and spiritually as well.

I need it now more than ever, with the craziness that is 2020, and so much uncertainty around the next few weeks. Yoga is truly the best for anxiety and stress relief.”

“Yoga is like my own mini vacation. Especially right now, when we can’t go anywhere or do anything, it’s nice to be able to take a mental break and just unwind and relax!  Exercise doesn’t have to be intense or make you sweat in order to be good for your body!”

Whatever type of exercise you enjoy, try to make it a part of your daily routine, even if you only have 20 minutes to spare. The more you work out, the more you will fall in love with it, just as Cassandra did!

Final Thoughts on Cassandra’s Weight Loss Tips

She says that you don’t have to have a “#fitspo” body or be skinny to enjoy fitness. We agree entirely, and we hope that you find an exercise you enjoy no matter where you are on your health journey. Memorizing weight loss tips is only part of the journey to a healthier life.

Remember, your healthy lifestyle should revolve around making positive changes for yourself, not just getting to an “acceptable” weight. While everyone deserves to feel comfortable in their skin, remember that every single body type is worthy, and your internal health is most important.