
5 Things Successful People Do on Weekends

Have you ever wondered what Oprah does on the weekends? Even the most successful people in the world are, at the end of the day, only human. How they handle their downtime may give the rest of us a little insight into the way successful minds work.

“Successful people are simply those with successful habits.” – Brian Tracy

Here’s what successful people do on the weekends:

1. They unplug.

Even if only for a few hours, most of the uber-successful and wealthiest people in the United States take time off from being connected to their work life. Although their reasoning may be slightly different than ours, there’s a big takeaway in this for all of us.

Turning off your cell phone for 24 hours will force you to be more present and take more enjoyment from the activities that you do engage in on the weekends. I’ve mentioned this before, and if it seems like I keep harping on this point, it’s because it’s important. You must put the phone down.

2. They don’t turn into sloths.

Sometimes, after an extremely busy and overwhelming work week, the urge to bellyflop onto the couch and stay there until Sunday night can be tempting. This is a bad idea because it can lead to a feeling of apathy and depression, leading you back to work on Monday with a giant case of the Blahs. There’s nothing wrong with getting a little extra rest on the weekends, but be sure to temper it with some stimulating activities as well, like going to see a show, having lunch with friends, or having a backyard barbeque.

3. They connect with family.

Even our kids are nowย tethered 24/7ย to some kind of digital device. It’s not life support, so get them into the

habit of unplugging along with you and teach them how to stay engaged in life. It’s an important skill that’s not being taught anymore.ย  Reconnect your kids with the world, and with you.

successful people

4. They don’t do housework.

Using weekends to catch up on cleaning and laundry will negate the unwinding that you need in order to thrive Monday through Friday. Instead, the most successful people are good at managing their time during the week,ย enabling themย to fit chores into smaller time-slots on weekday

evenings. This frees up the entire weekend for pleasure.

5. They don’t let Monday scare them.

I have heard my sons complain on more than one occasion, “It’s Sunday; the weekend is almost over!” This type of thinking will put you in a foul mindset, and can take away from a potentially fun afternoon and evening. Instead of fretting about what is to come on Monday, enjoy the remainder of your free time by staying unplugged and focused on friends and family.


6. Most importantly, successful people rarely work on the weekends.

“Instead of fretting about what is to come on Monday, enjoy the remainder of your free time…”

While this isn’t a hard and fast rule, more and more success stories are happening to those people who know how to balance their time wisely. Re-charging your batteries on the weekends is critical to your ability to make good decisions during the week. If toting your cell phone (even if you turn it off) causes you undue temptation to check in on work, simply leave it at home while you enjoy life.ย  Make it clear that during the weekends, you are off the clock and will be busy dedicating your time to unwinding, relaxing, and re-charging.

How do your weekend habits match up to those of some of the world’s most successful people?ย 

Let us know in the comments below!


48 responses to “5 Things Successful People Do on Weekends”

  1. That wasn't the meaning behind the article. It all boils down to the reminder to unplug when possible and recharge when you can. Those things will help you be successful and happy in all areas of your life.

  2. Alpesh Gediya Avatar
    Alpesh Gediya

    Person with constant happiness is the wealthiest in entire world.

  3. K.r. Subramanian Avatar
    K.r. Subramanian

    Now I understand how enjoyable it is to be RETIRED!

  4. Merry Lyn Avatar
    Merry Lyn

    I do Laundry and clean even on weekends but not EVERY weekend lol

  5. I don't have a job, so I don't fear Monday. No budy call me on the phone, so I don't have to swich it off I'd rather use it as an alarm clock. There are no friends around me and I have no garden to make barbeque. Mars here is earth, what dream of yours are you telling me?

  6. Most successful people don't do housework on weekends because they can afford a damn maid. Lol

  7. basically the weekend gives you the time to get ready for the following week, cooking, laundry, dishes, mowlawn, take care of garden do projects and visit with friends and family

  8. Brigitte Lauryssens Avatar
    Brigitte Lauryssens

    I used to do that and was more relaxed, even better organized. I did work every night 'till about 10 PM though… Now 20 years later after my day of fulltime working I am too tired to do it 'till 10 pm.

  9. Colleen Warren Avatar
    Colleen Warren

    Good advice, as I reply via my phone. Bye bye. Heeding the advice now.

  10. Mona Baker Avatar
    Mona Baker

    Don't u have ur own weekend?

  11. Carmen Freitas Avatar
    Carmen Freitas

    Am not sure how you have arrived at these! What do you mean by successful? If you mean in business – i do believe they make work their lifestyle for it to be a true success and this would mean working on the weekends. Yes i do agree they are not sloths, family time allocated most of the time, they would hire cleaners, Monday is another day… not scary in anyway, unplugging would only be during holiday time which is also allocated.

  12. Debora Lynn Avatar
    Debora Lynn

    I need 2 make some major changes

  13. Fantastic Thankyou for sharing

  14. I was thinking the same. I have spent 36years in Critical Care Nursing and have always carried bleeps or phones (since they were available) and have been contactable 24/7 if needed. Perhaps ours is a different world where we put others before self?

  15. Manish Kothari Avatar
    Manish Kothari

    Engaging in a hobby that gives you pleasure is a great way to unwind on a wknd. I love driving my vintage cars on the weekend. Its the only time I get to use them.

  16. very true things mentioned over here, we should follow these things in our life.

  17. Never closes doors behind you.

  18. Ant Skeeterman Robinson Avatar
    Ant Skeeterman Robinson

    This will have people working at wendys thinking they have time to unwind and chill instead of grinding

  19. Kimberly Trupiano Stanley Avatar
    Kimberly Trupiano Stanley

    I'm a teacher and I feel very successful. I clean my house all day on Saturday. It relaxes me. We have dinner or a date with friends, and rest on Sunday. Then I do my lesson plans on Sunday evening. Maybe that's why I'm not uber rich. But I am successful! (And happy…)

  20. That's it! I work too much! I'm ready for Harvest!!!

  21. This is rubbish. Hahah. Must be a joke. So if u don t do those things you re unsuccessful. Give me a break

  22. Dimitie Kendall Avatar
    Dimitie Kendall

    I think the most successful people are the ones that are happy, regardless of what they are doing.

  23. Diana Giovangelo Avatar
    Diana Giovangelo

    Kristina, yes, I understand that some nurses 'weekends' are in the middle of the week. I wasn't clear. I work Monday-Friday and then pick up overtime on the weekends a lot of the time. But I guess that goes back to the point of the article stating we should learn to live with less, huh? Good point and thank you for bringing me to this awareness. It's all a state of mind. Enjoy your Sunday ๐Ÿ™‚

  24. Bill Blackburn Avatar
    Bill Blackburn

    If I may offer this thought about success. Life is the only game we get to win by just saying, "I won!"

  25. Peter Wood-Jenkins Avatar
    Peter Wood-Jenkins

    Great Article, but for me Weekends are the same as any other day,
    I am a songwriter composing both lyrics and music, I only write when I feel like it and generally that is most days, Early mornings is a great time for me, and I go over to my home built studio, in my orchard and put down ideas on a multi track computer, via vocals and guitar. I then go and find a job to do on my garden and adjoining prairie, I have always been a do it yourself person,and I find I’m writing and composing in my subconscious, over the day frequent visits to the studio, usually adds something to whatever I’m working on. Also I tend to work on a dozen sons at a time, this way I never get bored with a song ,eventually most of the songs are turned into Demo’s
    Yes I have had success in varying degrees. occasionally I have to spend time pitching songs to various contacts ,fellow publishers and A and R departments.
    All very enjoyable, otherwise I would not do it.

  26. Kristina R Baker Avatar
    Kristina R Baker

    A lot of people shouldn't be so negative about their preconceived meaning of "success". It is to each person a different state of mind. This article achieves its purpose- to remind people to get back to basics and recharge on a more personal level. There is no reason to read it so literally. In order to be successful, I'd think each person would count that as being happy to some extent. Finding negativity in everything does not help achieve happiness. Perhaps instead of criticizing an article about "What Successful People Do on the Weekends", you should figure out whether or not you want to be positive or negative, happy or depressed, and make your own list of what would make you successful on your weekends (or days off). ๐Ÿ™‚ Everyone have a beautiful day!

  27. Kristina R Baker Avatar
    Kristina R Baker

    As I was a CNA, I understand your point. However, part of the point of this blog is focused on positivity and as someone who successfully completed an RN degree and has such a high-status job, I would think you would understand to consider "weekend" as it fits into each individual's personal work week, i.e. whenever your days off fall.

  28. yes thank yu for sharing
    it was a great inspirational post
    because most of the time we go in search for happiness and peace but as Adreinne says its all with our family and friends. because of them we were able to pass through event of our life . if yu can make your family and friends happy then your are the happiest person in the world.

  29. Great post, what I really need. Is reading a self-help book (Maxwell) during weekends considered a good habit for successful people? ๐Ÿ™‚

  30. Euel Raza Avatar
    Euel Raza

    Great post, what I really need. Is reading a self-help/self-improvement book considered a good habit for successful people during weekends? ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Yes, a good book on self-improvement is a great way to expand the consciousness, as well as relax!

  31. Sandra Hills Avatar
    Sandra Hills

    Ours are really getting to be

  32. Diana Giovangelo Avatar
    Diana Giovangelo

    As a nurse, not working weekends is not possible for me. I don't think that is a fair representation of what 'successful' people do. Does this mean nurses are not successful? Just a thought. I do however, love the idea of unplugging.

  33. Jeanneen Maria Peterinelli Avatar
    Jeanneen Maria Peterinelli

    Who did you interview? Just Oprah? ONE successful person.. Elaborate.

  34. Debbie Scheeringa Avatar
    Debbie Scheeringa

    successful people don't surf on facebook and the internet all weekend lol

  35. Hugh A. Benham Avatar
    Hugh A. Benham

    My "weekends" aren't on the same days as others but I think the ideas and principles mentioned make perfect sense to me! I shall give them a try.

  36. Kerem Go Avatar
    Kerem Go

    Useful idea. Thank you for sharing!

  37. Shashank Pallav Gupta Avatar
    Shashank Pallav Gupta

    I add some special touch to the post, "doing some creative activity like pursue your hobby" is the best way to recharge for a long.

  38. I disagree with the housework point. For me Housework is a great way to clear ones head.

    1. Adrienne McGuire Avatar
      Adrienne McGuire

      Good point, Sammy. If housework relaxes you and makes you feel good, then I'm all for it! I think the most important point about cleaning on the weekends is just to make sure you have time for things other than housework. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Adrienne McGuire Avatar
      Adrienne McGuire

      Glad you enjoyed it, Gabriel!

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