lunar eclipse

Here’s What You Need To Know About The First Lunar Eclipse of 2016

The first lunar eclipse of 2016 is coming up with important scientific and astrological implications. As rare events, lunar or solar eclipses are fascinating to watch. An eclipse can also remind us of our small place in this vast cosmos.

In astrology, the impact of the relative position of the planets, moon, and sun on us here on Earth has meaning for our lives. Some people do not believe in astrology, but they do believe in science and observable evidence.

The supporters of astrology can point to observable evidence to back up their theories. For example, the energetic pull of the tides as the Earth spins and the moon appears to travel across the sky is one observable change that is indisputable.

As humans are made of mostly water, then, is it not possible that our bodily fluids feel the pull of the moon in response as the ocean tides do? And if we can feel the moon’s pull, even in the slightest way, is it also impossible to feel the effects of other planetary motion?

Astrologers say that these small changes in energy result in big changes in our emotions, thoughts, health, and, consequently, our actions. A lunar eclipse is a significant astrological event that means big changes.

Here’s what you need to know about the first lunar eclipse of 2016.

The shifting energies before a lunar eclipse can begin in the weeks leading up to it.

lunar eclipse

A lunar eclipse is significant for astrology because it is a rare event and always occurs with a full moon. A full moon has more effect on us than a crescent moon.

What astrology has to say about the coming lunar eclipse

The effect of a lunar eclipse is stronger than that of a full moon. So what is the effect that we can look forward to? Change. Change can be stressful, but this change will be an improvement.

For example, you might have a job change, but it will be an increase in pay or some benefit to you than your prior circumstances. In some way, this change will be a loss of something that you once had, which is no longer important to your happiness.

It’s time to let go and begin anew.

Releasing something from your current situation will make it easier to make room for the good new change that is coming. After all, you can’t be ready to catch a gold coin if your arms are holding bags of pennies.

The best advice you can heed with the coming lunar eclipse is to mentally and emotionally prepare yourself for an upheaval. Expect the worst and hope for the best. Be open to whatever possibility is coming. Think about prior changes that you have experienced that have been good for you, like breaking up with a horrible relationship.

time travel

The Scientific Facts of a Lunar Eclipse

This will be a penumbral lunar eclipse which is different from a total lunar eclipse. During a penumbral eclipse, the moon will appear foggy and darker colored, but there will not be a definitive line across the moon’s surface.

During this lunar eclipse, Australia, Asia, and North and South America will have a view. The eclipse will begin March 23, 2016, at 6:47 am Central time zone and will last for 4 hours and 15 minutes.

The sun will rise around the time of the lunar eclipse. So it will be even more difficult to see any change in the face of the moon. Catch this eclipse early, if possible to see the maximum difference in the face of the moon. You will notice a darkening of the moon, like an unseen cloud, has passed over it.

In a penumbral eclipse, the moon is moving through the Earth’s shadow but at the weakest outer edge of our shadow. That is why there is no defined line of shadow on the face of the moon with this type of lunar eclipse.