white tea

10 Homemade Recipes With White Tea Leaves That Can Help You De-Stress

After a long day at work or school, most people want to come home, get in comfortable clothes and relax in the evenings. Some choose from a variety of alcoholic or caffeinated beverages as their go-to relaxing drink because it helps to make their mood better and their evening smoother. While the majority of these options are unhealthy, there is a drink option that is popular in Asia and making its way to the rest of the world.

Drinking a cup of white tea leaves is the drink that is changing people’s lives. With the added health benefits, you can drink this tea and not feel guilty about too many calories or other negative side effects. White tea helps you lose weight, improves the appearance of your skin and hair, helps in cancer treatment, used for patients with diabetes, enhancing your memory, helps you stay alert, and most importantly (for a lot of people) aids in the process of de-stressing. The list if white tea leaves benefits goes on and on! If these side effects sound like something you need, then get yourself a glass of white tea and start relaxing as soon as possible!

Here are 10 homemade recipes with white tea leaves that can help you de-stress.

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Click to learn if tea or coffee is the healthier beverage.

1. Bai Hao Yinzhen (Silver Needle)

The Bai Hao Yinzhen tea is the most popular and desired tea in China, as it is originally from there. The tea has silver leaves that have silver hairs, or needles coming off of it This tea when first brewed has a yellow tint at first, and you need to steep the tea 5-8 minutes to get the best taste out of the leaves. You will be able to see the leaves in the tea as you are making it.

2. White Puerh Tea

If you are looking for a tea with a delicious aroma, try the White Puerh Tea, grown in the mountains of China. Every spring these white tea leaves are hand picked and have a rich, delicious taste and smell.

3. Shou Mei (Noble, Long Life Eyebrow)

The Shou Mei tea comes from the leaves at the tips of the white trees that are grown in China. When brewed, this tea will have a greenish hue, but it is still considered to be white tea leaves because it comes from a white leaf tree! Don’t steep this one too long, or you will not be happy with the rich taste. Steep in hot water for about 2-3 minutes and it will be perfect!

4. Bai Mu Dan (White Peony)

If you like the taste of the silver needle teas, but you aren’t a fan of the cost, try a white peony tea and enjoy just as delicious taste, without spending as much on it. As you are brewing this tea you will enjoy the aroma as it makes most people feel very light-hearted and happy. The color will be a pale green/golden hue and will taste fruity.

5. Gong Mei (Tribute Eyebrow)

The Gong Mei tea is more processed than most of the other tea options. This tea is a dark hue when brewed. But you must first steep it for two or three minutes or until you have the desired taste.

6. Ceylon White

Not all delicious white teas are grown in the country of China. Some are grown all over the world, and Ceylon White is grown in the Sri Lankan area. This is a very pricey tea because it is grown by hand. Ceylon White tea is known for being a very light option.

7. Assam White

Another option if you prefer light white tea leaves is Assam White. This tea is very light tasting and also has been known to have a very malty taste. While drinking this tea, the aroma and taste will leave you feeling stress-free and relaxed.

8. Darjeeling White

The Darjeeling White tea is another hand-grown tea that thrives in rainy weather areas. With fluffy leaves, this tea has a taste similar to honey as it is very sweet. The delicate taste and texture of this tea will leave your taste buds and your mood positive and happy.

9. African White

In the Kenyan and Malawi parts of Africa, you can find the African White tea leaves growing. This is a top pick for people who need more caffeine in their cup of tea and enjoy a darker tasting tea as well.

10. White Mango Tea

All of the above tea options are delicious to try with a variety of fruit added. This particular recipe can be used with any tea you want, depending on the desired taste and texture. To make this tea, you need to boil 12 cups of water and steep the tea bag for approximately 5 minutes. While your tea is steeping, you need to mix peaches, mango and sugar in a large pitcher. Add the hot tea and serve over ice.

medicinal tea

White Tea leaves benefits are amazing to learn and read about. There are a variety of different tastes and textures, and they can be grown all over the world. People who are tea drinkers have found that this tea has a lot of white tea benefits and helps them to feel good throughout the day. Tea is usually a better option for a morning drink, and if it has health benefits, like white tea does, it is an obvious choice what your morning or evening beverage will be.

If you are looking to clear up acne, help your body lose weight or if you simply need to relax and de-stress, grab a cup of white tea today and feel more relaxed instantly!