
Why Crying A Lot Means You’re Mentally Tough

We need never be ashamed of our tears. – Charles Dickens

Did you know crying is actually good for you? According to neuroscientist and tear researcher Dr. William H. Frey II, PhD, “crying is not only a human response to sorrow and frustration, it’s a healthy one. Crying is a natural way to reduce emotional stress that, left unchecked, has negative physical effects on the body, including increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease and other stress-related disorders.”

Research shows that 85 percent of women and 73 percent of men feel less angry and sad after crying than they did before. Many people feel that crying makes them weak and unable to cope with their lives and emotions, when in reality, crying represents the exact opposite!

Here are 5 reasons why crying a lot means you’re mentally tough:


1. You meet your emotions head on.

When you release negative emotions that don’t serve your best interest, this means that you don’t run from your feelings. You stare them right in the eyes and invite them in, allowing them to totally take you over. After you feel them and let them run their course, however, you let them go and don’t dwell on them for too long. Crying does not mean you have no capability of handling life; it means you have even MORE ability to deal with anything that comes your way, because you don’t try to escape. You stand strong and show up for the moment, no matter what it may bring.

If you must cry, you know that your body needs to flush out excess energy, or replenish itself after a stressful event. And you embrace this fact without feeling ashamed or apologetic about it.

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2. You don’t care what others think about you.

Crying is the ultimate display of vulnerability; it takes a lot of guts to show that side of yourself to others, and not care what they might think. We live in a far too structured world, where we are almost discouraged from showing emotions because it will disrupt the workday, make us less productive, or some other absurd reason.

Crying means you have overcome these societal norms and realized that showing emotions makes you human. Without feeling emotions, we would simply be machines, cogs in the wheel, robots performing our duties in an orderly, mundane, calculated fashion. However, our ability to cry means we are much more than machines, and you have realized this. Crying a lot means you have broken out of the prison of what others think, and have risen above the confines of social norms. You know crying is a big part of being a balanced, emotionally healthy person.

3. You know that crying helps you release pent up feelings.crying

Suppressing emotions only leads to big blowouts in the end, where you release everything you’ve felt for months all in one setting. Usually, this means either an emotional breakdown, or a big fight with someone else because you had to take out all that frustration on somebody. Neither of these situations are ideal, and can cause a lot of emotional damage in the long run. Crying regularly helps you keep your nervous system in check, and also helps you get out any stale emotions that don’t belong in your emotional body any longer.

4. You know that crying makes you healthier overall.

Crying offers many benefits beyond just emotional ones; it actually releases feel-good hormones by lowering manganese levels, which can cause extreme anxiety and stress if too much builds up in your system. Crying also helps lubricate your eyes and prevent dehydration; without tears, we wouldn’t even be able to see properly! Finally, crying kills bacteria and remove other harmful toxins from the body. Without tears, we would have much poorer health, not to mention, drive ourselves crazy from our suppressed emotions!

unhealthy food choices

5. You help others feel more comfortable expressing themselves.

It takes a mentally strong person to help others free themselves from the fear of what others think. By crying and showing your vulnerable side to people, you not only liberate yourself, but help others feel more comfortable doing the same. Many people lock their emotions away, fearing what others may say or thinking that showing themselves in the purest form will scare people off or be deemed inappropriate. However, by you not inhibiting your emotions and crying in front of others when you need to, you automatically contribute to a much more authentic, free, and healthy society.


14 responses to “Why Crying A Lot Means You’re Mentally Tough”

  1. June Bieker Avatar
    June Bieker

    This article came to me one day after I had a similar episode. It really helped clarify some of my feelings and actually made me feel better. You never know when something you really need will come along. Thank you.

    1. We’re so happy you got something useful out of our article and that it came to you at the right time. Thanks so much for reading!

  2. Donna Maclennan Avatar
    Donna Maclennan

    One in a while a good cry is really good, you get to release alot of emotions and release some pressure and get it all out.I believe it does make you stronger after you release this,But ofcourse depending on your life circumstance it may be needed more or less and depending on how much support you have.I listen to sad performances on utube last week from x factor uk.Even Simon Cowell cried because the song was dedicated to the singers friend who had committed suicide and I believe Simons mother has passed the week prior,(not suicide),but was very touching and with life stress it is better than keeping it bottled up for sure.

  3. Gloria Viar Avatar
    Gloria Viar

    I need to boohoo more. IT IS HEALTHY.

  4. leo vilalon Avatar
    leo vilalon

    Tears of Joy. Crying makes you more happy to relate the feeling of love Oneness .thirst of limitless .

  5. I don’t agree at all. I used to cry, I don’t do that anymore. I am exercising yoga each day, it helped me to evaluate myself more. And currently I consider crying as the energy consumption thing which does not bring anything good into my life.

  6. Nothing wrong with crying, but if you want clarity in thoughts and emotions, then you should definitely get the book “Alkuajatus – The Original Thought”, it approaches matters of the inner from a whole new and very enlightening point of view. Here’s the link to Amazon, check it out!

  7. Dontunderstandwhycryingisbad Avatar

    It’s sad but society looks down upon it with men. It’s not like you can just not be afraid of what others think. There’re consequences other than what people think of you for crying. Especially if it’s over anything less than severe.

  8. Margaret Heekin Avatar
    Margaret Heekin

    There is nothing wrong with any of this. Your husband is clearly an evolved human being who has healthy emotions. My husband cries too. We both cry at the same things. We have developed a society that values people for only what they produce for someone else. We talk to machines and have very little social interaction. This is not healthy and leads to a callous, cold and even more inhumane society. While excessive crying or an increase in generalized sadness could be a sign of depression, normal emotional responses should not be discouraged.

  9. *chuckle* *puts on her native accent for her own amusement* Ye ain’t never met nobody what cain’ produce adequate brain hor-moans, have ye, son? Cuz de-preshon doan’ work nuthin’ like this. Ain’t nuthin pent up. Ain’t never made nobody comfy. Just cryin’ for days, weeks, or even months attha time fer no cause. …No matter what ye feel ’bout how e’erbody avoidin’ ye, ye cain’ “uphold these soci-e-tal norms.”

    *drops the accent like a dead dog* You certainly have never tried to scale the glass-walled well of depression if you think people who cry a lot don’t try to escape their emotions.

    Yeah, come to think of it, you can quit trying to blow it up mine and shove it up yours sideways. Crap like this makes ~actually~ crying a ~lot~ all that much worse when not a single item even vaguely applies to your situation. THREE MONTHS, every single, blessed day for THREE MONTHS, and it didn’t give me a single moment of “feel good hormones.”

    How about replacing “crying a lot” with “allowing oneself to cry when experiencing strong emotions”? That’s healthy. That releases endorphins. That makes people relate to you on an emotional level. For most people, “crying a lot” means their brains are starving for serotonin or dopamine… kinda like diabetes means their bodies are starving for insulin.

    *wanders off muttering something about new pee strips being developed that might definitively DIAGNOSE depression, FINALLY*

  10. There’s nothing “wrong” with him. He simply has a more sensitive disposition and a strong sense of empathy. That’s a good problem to have. Imagine if he was the exact opposite? Now that would be a problem.

  11. My husband must be the healthiest and strongest person ever. I still think there is a problem somewhere tho and have been searching for an answer because he doesn’t like how much he cries.

    1. I would think it would bother him because of societal views on it, especially being a man. Men, historically, are raised to be stoic and not show emotions.

    2. I am the same way. I’m a 51 year-old grown man, 6″0 tall weigh 198 pounds. Yeah, I don’t care what others think if I cry a lot. Probably because I hate my life so damn much, especially careerwise and job wise. Not to mention I suffer from Asperger’s syndrome

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