better in bed

Doing This ONE Thing Will Make You Better In Bed

Everyone wants to be at their best when it comes to enjoying intimacy with their partner, and new scientific research is showing that ONE simple lifestyle change can not only make you a better partner in the bed, but can also have incredible health benefits as well…

Are you willing to make this one change for you and your partner?

Making the choice to eat a vegan diet can seriously change the relationship between you and your partner’s closest moments.  Here’s why…

Although they are avoiding animal proteins, the vegan diet is incredibly diverse compared to that of most meat-eaters. Vegans are more likely to have a taste palate for unusual flavors, ways of cooking food and unusual imported vegetables. Does all of this dietary open-mindedness means that vegans are also likely to be more willing to explore their sense of taste and smell in bed? It’s possible, and it certainly wouldn’t hurt to ask your vegan partner to try a taste.

Here are 5 Reasons a Vegan Lifestyle can make you a better partner…

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1. Sexual potency may be higher in males who are vegans

In a study of veganism and masculinity, researchers say ‘Veganism, a diet that focuses on the exclusion of animal meat and byproducts, challenges hegemonic masculinity. Hegemonic masculinity, the concept of men attempting to live up to an ideal form of masculinity, asks men to exude power and domination, not compassion and empathy.’

The scientists also mention that previous research has shown that men, particularly older men report pursuing a vegan lifestyle for health reasons, particularly to help improve their sex drive.

2. A vegan diet increases your sex hormone

Researchers studying the blood hormone levels of vegans as compared to omnivores found that vegans had higher levels of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), which helps the sex hormones to circulate in your bloodstream.

Lower cholesterol in the blood that vegan lovers have gives them better blood flow also.

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3. Vegans have more energy (in bed an out!)

The same researchers who found that SHBG was higher in vegans found that actual physiological, metabolic energy is also higher in male vegans than in male omnivores. Increased stamina is also important in maintaining a healthy physical relationship with your partner.

4. Vegans have more body confidence

That low fat diet is likely to make vegans lean and physically in shape. Lean vegetable sources of protein mean lean muscles and less body fat. The look of the vegan physique is not that of a pudgy couch potato. Vegans benefit not only from a healthy diet, but also from a healthier sex life than their meat-eating friends. Even if they didn’t look hot, vegans who feel comfortable in their own skin and have body confidence appear more attractive to their partner.

Vegans also tend to have a lower BMI, lower blood cholesterol levels and they live longer. Which ultimately results in a longer lasting relationship.

5. Libido is higher for both male and female vegans

According to ‘Researchers have found that certain foods cause a chemical reaction in the body that increases the libido in both males and females. Foods with large levels of zinc and vitamin B complexes are said to elevate testosterone levels and boost sexual desire.’

Sexual desire is usually the first ingredient for a hot sex life, so the sex partners of vegans are definitely having more fun. Being desired by your partner is excellent for your self-esteem and mental well-being. Your vegan lover makes you feel even better about yourself. Aren’t they generous?

Need even more reasons to switch to a vegan romance? Your vegan partner likely makes more money than your meat-eating ex. Besides being good in bed, a vegan lifestyle often involves spending much more on organic groceries, specialty processed vegetarian foods, and all of the cool kitchen gadgets to cook it with.