youngest sibling

Science Reveals: The Youngest Sibling May Be the Funniest

Have you ever noticed how the youngest sibling seems a natural entertainer?

Siblings are different; research shows that the youngest sibling tends to be the funniest. This stems from the theory that birth order shapes personalities, as siblings impact one another’s development. Parents also seem to treat children differently based on birth order, contributing to personality differences.

Parents often unintentionally treat children differently based on their birth order. This doesn’t mean the parent loves one child more than the others. It just means the parent did things differently with each child, which is normal.

Siblings aren’t the only ones included in the birth order theory, either. Only children tend to develop unique traits from being the only child in the family. With no one to compete with for attention, only children have other factors to consider, which will be explained later.

Even when growing up in the same environment, siblings tend to differ. Many factors contribute to personality, and birth order is one of the biggest factors. Luckily for the youngest sibling, their birth order made them the funniest.

The Youngest Sibling May Be the Funniest

pop memeYoungest siblings have the science to back them when they claim they are the funniest. In a survey conducted by a market research firm, YouGov, 1,782 people were asked to rank their family members. They were ranked on characteristics of the most responsible, relaxed, funny, and other similar traits.

In most instances, the youngest child was ranked as the funniest in the family. Older siblings tended to rank their youngest sibling as the funniest, and youngest siblings tended to rank themselves as the funniest. Whichever way it was looked at, the results were precise.

The youngest was also often ranked as the most relaxed and most easy-going. On the other hand, the firstborn child was ranked as the most responsible, organized, and successful. These exciting trends show that many characteristics apply to birth order.

Other Characteristics of the Youngest Sibling

Being the funniest, most relaxed, and easy-going aren’t the youngest sibling characteristics. The youngest are often graced (or sometimes cursed) with other unique personality traits.

They tend to be the most free-spirited, likely because their parents become more relaxed in their parenting techniques. Parents loosen the rules for the younger child and aren’t as worried and cautious anymore, either.

The youngest is often the least disciplined. Since parents become more relaxed with each child, the youngest sibling may not be held to the same high standards. This also contributes to their free spirit because they won’t be as stressed about perfection.

The youngest may also exhibit an outgoing personality and be fun-loving and uncomplicated. They often have lots of charm and can win other people over easily.

On the other hand, they may also seek attention more often and be more self-centered and manipulative than others. This is because the youngest are often used to getting their way and know what works and doesn’t. Since they are used to getting their way, they’ll learn to think only of their desires and not of others.

Additionally, they are more adventurous and take more risks regarding their career or education. Since they are more laid-back and willing to explore and try different things, they aren’t as afraid to fail and enjoy the experiences.

They also tend to feel like their accomplishments aren’t as important because their parents have already been through them. To set themselves apart from their older siblings, they look for unique ways of self-expression and tend to be more emotional and creative.

What Science Reveals About the Other Siblings

The youngest siblings aren’t the only ones with unique traits, however. Each child in a family has a unique set of traits, largely determined by their birth order. They all fall into a specific role in the family.

Firstborn Characteristics and Traits

The firstborn child of each family can find their place in the family first. This often leads to them becoming the more responsible sibling and the one that is eager to please adults. They always want to do the right thing and work hard to strive for perfection.

The oldest sibling also feels responsible for helping to care for the younger siblings. Parents usually are stricter on the rules with their first child and are overly attentive to them. This causes the oldest child to feel the need always to be perfect and please their parents.

Since parents have more one-on-one time with the oldest sibling, that sibling tends to learn more. They receive undivided attention. This advantage helps them to understand and process the world around them better. Because of this, they tend to have a higher IQ than the other siblings.

These characteristics sound great, but it leads to serious mental issues. Since they don’t let themselves relax or do anything they don’t feel is perfect, they are often stressed out. They often feel like nothing they do is good enough.

Additionally, they don’t like to take risks because their fear of failure is so intense. They don’t like change and don’t enjoy trying new things.

Firstborn children want to succeed at everything, and they also exhibit the following traits:

  • reliable
  • structured
  • careful
  • controlling

youngest siblingMiddle Children Characteristics and Traits

The difference between middle children and other siblings starts right from the beginning. They will never experience being an only child, so they won’t receive the undivided attention the firstborn receives. Plus, they don’t tend to receive the doting attention the youngest child receives.

This often leads to jealousy, which can cause rebellious behaviors. They are also often looking to please others to get attention, too. It will depend on the child’s temperament, whether they are rebellious or people-pleasers.

Sometimes, they will be both rebellious and people-pleasers. In this situation, they look for ways to please their peers, which they often feel is possible by being rebellious. This could lead to risky behavior and taking dangerous chances.

Middle children often feel left out and may struggle with their identity. They work hard to find their place in the family and even feel they don’t belong. This is likely because they don’t get as much attention from their parents as the other children.

However, it isn’t all negative because their position in the family also leads to them mastering critical social skills. They get along quickly with others and are often extremely sociable. Their ability to get along with people from different backgrounds will help them immensely.

Middle children rely heavily on their friendships since they usually feel like their family doesn’t pay attention. They develop close bonds with their friends and tend to have a large group of friends.

They are often the first child to want to sleep over at a friend’s house or travel without their family. The middle child will also be a peacemaker, striving to have everyone happy and get along.

Additionally, they learn negotiating and compromising early on. This stems from them feeling like they don’t fit into the family dynamic and their desires aren’t heard. This does lead to them being more agreeable than others, which could lead to greater enjoyment in life.

Only Children Characteristics and Traits

While children with siblings develop traits based on their birth order, only children have unique situations. They have no one to compete with for attention and desires. So, they often feel like their parents are overbearing and have intense expectations.

Only children also receive more parental attention since their parents only have one child to care for. Additionally, they spend more time with adults than children and mature more quickly. They are usually intelligent and motivated, which is an excellent combination for success.

Other traits of only children are that they are very hardworking and determined. They are diligent in everything they do and tend to be leaders. They are often also perfectionists and may become anxious if things aren’t going as planned.

youngest siblingFinal Thoughts on Science Reveals: The Youngest Sibling May Be the Funniest

Think of your youngest sibling’s or your personality if you are the youngest. You may notice that the youngest sibling is the funniest of the family. As explained before, science backs this theory, and the reasoning makes complete sense.

Each child in a family plays a unique role and tends to be very different. Even with the same upbringing and background, siblings will develop unique traits and characteristics. The birth order theory has existed for a long time but is becoming even more substantiated now.

The new information makes it easy to see that the theory is accurate. Children genuinely do develop characteristics based on their birth order.