
10 Acts of Kindness That Will Warm The Coldest Heart

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” – Aesop

We hear about bad things happening in the world all the time, but usually fail to remember the kindness and warmth that people share. The news likes to showcase the evil taking place yet often overlooks the positive things humans do. In these trying times, we have to count on each other and spread love as much as possible, and the people below have fully embraced that.

If you’re having a bad day or just need a reminder to keep your faith in humanity, we have you covered. If you enjoy this article, please spread it far and wide so others can remember that we have a lot more that unites us than divides us.

Here are 10 acts of kindness that will bring warmth to your soul:

1. This heroic man brought a beached dolphin back to its home. What an amazing act of kindness!

MMA fighter rescues a baby dolphin on his day off.
byu/tallproducer inpics

2. A server at IHOP helped feed a disabled woman so that she and her dining partner could fully enjoy their meal together.

3. When Kara turned 22, she challenged others to complete random acts of kindness with her and post them online!

© smarterchild3333 / Imgur

One person decided to bring coffee and donuts to their local fire department to offer thanks for protecting their town.

4. This person could’ve easily stolen the phone, but they did the right thing and put it in a bag for them so it wouldn’t get rained on.

I forgot my phone on the hood of my car and someone put it in a plastic baggy and left it on my windshield

5. When her coworker was stressed, she brought him lunch to make his day better. Acts of kindness can turn someone’s day completely around!

Simple kindness…

6. Finding $20 on your windshield might not change your life, but it can remind you that we’re all in this thing together!

Random Acts of Kindness – Appleby GO Station


7. When this woman felt dizzy while shopping at Walmart, one employee didn’t hesitate to offer her support until the ambulance came. Humans are beautiful indeed!

8. When a Safeway employee saw that this customer was blind, he offered to help him bring his groceries home.

Safeway employee helping blind man take home groceries

9. Kids work hard at school all year long, so acts of kindness such as this can really help them push through to the end!

candy and notes of encouragement for students in their last week of the semester

© jepuku / Imgur

10. This kind young boy donated one of his Christmas presents to children in need. What a selfless young man!

We hope these random acts of kindness brought a smile to your face and restored your faith in human beings. As much as the media tries to divide us, love and kindness will always bring us together. No matter what kind of day you’re having, try to spread just a little bit of cheer to others; not only will you help them feel better, but you’ll get a happiness boost yourself!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved