intuitive ability

10 Behaviors That Can Unblock Your Intuitive Ability

Did you know most people have a hint of intuition in their minds? Itā€™s just more developed and prevalent for some. The good news is that you can bring out the best of your intuitive ability by adopting certain habits.

Have you ever ā€œknownā€ something in your mind before youā€™ve even had a chance to study and rationalize it? Some people call this phenomenon their inner voice or gut feeling. Nobody knows how your intuitive ability works.

In an article in the Association for Psychological Science, Dr. Joel Pearson introduces a study about intuition that he conducted with colleagues.

Pearsonā€™s analysis concludes that people can use this unconscious knowledge for decisions and guidance throughout their lifetime. He also states in the article that intuitive ability can be scientifically measured.

Do You Have Intuitive Ability?

Your inner voice may surprise you at times. For example, maybe you awoke one morning with a deep concern for a friend or loved one. That day, the same person calls you and says they were almost in a car wreck about the same time they came to your mind. Is it merely a coincidence, or were you connecting on a higher level with the person?

Although such an example is rare for most people, it may occur more often than others. Have you ever made important decisions based on a gut feeling? In hindsight, you may have found that your intuition was usually correct.

intuitive abilityā€¢ Psychic Versus Intuitive Ability

Although intuitive ability and psychic ability are somewhat related, the terms arenā€™t interchangeable. Almost all psychics are intuitive, but not all intuitive people are psychics. The difference is how the information is processed.

If you’re psychic, you can receive messages through your five senses. Then, itā€™s up to your sixth physic sense to interpret those messages. On the flip side, intuition gives you an interpretation before you have any information about the situation.

Do You Have Gut Feelings?

How often do you listen to your inner voice for direction? We all have one, but some people are more familiar with theirs. According to an article published by Discover Magazine, psychologists arenā€™t sure if everyone has intuition or an inner voice.

However, Dr. James Honeycutt explains that listening to your gut feeling may help problem-solving and goal setting.

Do you want to develop your intuitive ability and have more confidence in your decisions? While you should always review facts to make an informed decision, your heartā€™s voice matters, too. Here are ten habits that can unblock your intuition and allow you to benefit from it.

1. Recognizing Your Inner Voice

When you buy a new tool or device, itā€™s wise to read the directions before using it. Likewise, being more familiar with your inner voice can help you develop better intuitive abilities. Itā€™s usually that same soft, gentle voice that you hear in your mind when you are reading or thinking.

However, your intuition may not always speak to you in words. Often it will use symbols that are singularly recognizable to you. This is the same mental process you have when you dream.

Whether you hear a voice, see symbols, or just feel an urge, your inner being is trying to communicate. Try to pay attention to this gentle guidance and see how it affects situations in your life. The more you use your intuition, the stronger it will become.

2. Schedule Intuitive Exercises

Itā€™s never easy when you are trying to juggle caring for your family, career, and other social responsibilities. Most people must schedule time for physical fitness and other self-care each day. While strengthening your body, remember to include time for your mind and spirit.

Dedicate a few minutes each day to ponder problems and important decisions. Sit quietly and tune into your gut feelings. Not only do these exercises help you become more sensitive, but they may enhance your creative problem-solving skills.

3. Trust Yourself

We have Shakespeareā€™s plays to thank for countless words of wisdom, such as ā€œto thine own self be true.ā€ Do you find that itā€™s easier to listen to other peopleā€™s advice more than your own intuition? Maybe itā€™s because you need more faith in yourself.

Nobody knows you better than you do. Remind yourself daily that you are worthy and can trust your inner wisdom. Solid faith in your intuitive ability can mean better decisions and completion of your lifeā€™s goals.

4. Work with the Universe

Everything is eternally linked in the Universe on a cosmic level. Your actions, words, and thoughts attract the same, positive or negative. Itā€™s called the law of attraction, and you can use it for your benefit.

As you hone your intuitive skills, try posing questions aloud. You can address these to the Universe, a deity, or however you identify the Source of Knowledge. Ask questions about problems and decisions, and listen to your heartā€™s voice. The Universe will align with your affirmations, and youā€™ll notice more positive changes.

5. Explore Your Intuitive Ability Through Writing

Isnā€™t it frustrating when you have an inspiring thought and canā€™t remember it later? Hereā€™s another benefit of keeping a journal. While you meditate and focus on your intuitive voice, have your journal handy for jotting down any words, symbols, or impressions you receive.

Journaling can be your central tool to practice listening to your inner voice, trusting yourself, and uniting with the Universe. You build up confidence in your intuition when you review past journal entries. You’re more apt to trust yourself as you see positive outcomes.

nature quotes6. Make Some Space

A study published by Dr. Joseph Ferarri in Current Psychology suggests a connection between clutter and procrastination, both behavioral and indecision. Being surrounded by piles of stuff can raise your anxiety levels and contribute to depression and other mental issues. With your space and your mind drowning in clutter, itā€™s almost impossible to listen to your inner voice.

Does your living space look more like a flea market than a personal sanctuary? Clearing away the clutter not only gives you more room to move and breathe, but it can clear your mind. It may take some time to sort things to sell, donate, recycle, or pitch, but itā€™s worth the effort.

7. Practicing Gratitude

Sometimes, itā€™s easy to have a negative attitude when the media bombards you every day with doom and gloom. Unfortunately, such an attitude can stifle your inner voice and give it a negative vibration. Thereā€™s no pretending that evil exists, and catastrophes happen, but they neednā€™t be your daily focus.

Instead, concentrate on the beautiful things in your life and show gratitude. Consider devoting a section of your journal to composing a gratitude list. You may think of so many things to write that you may need a separate gratitude journal.

How often were you or a loved one spared heartache or disaster? Did your heartā€™s voice play a part in it? When you are grateful for the multitude of blessings you have, you cultivate more contentment and joy.

8. Try Divination Tools

While thereā€™s a difference between being psychic and intuitive, both skills can be boosted by using divination tools. Contrary to popular belief, tools like runes and tarot cards arenā€™t magical and canā€™t predict the future. They use symbols that the reader subjectively interprets.

Many of these divination tools have been used for thousands of years. Many people use crystals to increase their spiritual vibrations and focus on their intuitive side. You can use oracle cards, runes, a crystal ball, or a water scrying bowl. Choose the tool or tools that best speak to you.

9. Find a Mentor

Since some people are naturally more in tune with their heartā€™s voice than others, they make wonderful mentors. Nobody knows why, but intuitive skills often run in families. If you have a relative or friend you find exceptionally intuitive, talk to them about ways to better develop your skills.

Many cultures throughout history and today practice elder veneration. They believe that the younger generation has much to learn from their elderā€™s words and experience. Also, you may be surprised by how intuitive children can be when you talk to them.

10. Hear the Voice of Nature

Some of the most profound internal discussions you may have with yourself can be in the great outdoors. Thereā€™s something mystical and straightforward about being surrounded by verdant trees, plants, and woodland creatures. As you stroll through a forest or your neighborhood park, listen to your heart as the birds sing overhead.

Walking can benefit you physically, mentally, and spiritually. Please think of how the animals rely on their instincts and donā€™t question themselves. Although humans need reasoning, you also need to listen to your inner voice.

intuitionFinal Thoughts on Unblocking Your Intuitive Ability

When you learn to block the noise and confusion of the world for a while, youā€™ll better hear that still, small voice. The more you learn to listen and trust your gut instinct, you may see a difference in your life. Sometimes, you make a choice just because it feels right.