positive affirmation

10 Positive Affirmations That Will Change Your Life

Positive affirmations help us rewire our brains. Though the world can be draining, creating a habit of saying these affirmations and truly believing them will allow us to accomplish anything we want in life.

Ten Powerful Positive Affirmations

Wherever you may be in your journey to accomplish your goals, don’t lose sight of them. Use the following 10 affirmations to help you stay inspired as you go throughout your life.

Positive Affirmations to Live By

1. I am capable of greatness.

Whether you believe this statement initially or not, repeating this affirmation over and over will shift your mindset.

We are all capable of achieving every dream that we have.

The first step in achieving these dreams is believing that you can. The only way to push yourself towards this greatness is to stir the flames of the belief that you can do it.

Regardless of whatever resources you begin with, telling yourself that you are capable of anything you set your mind to will completely change the way that you pursue your goals.

2. I love myself and accept myself for everything that I am.

Loving one’s self is a lifelong journey.

That being said, oftentimes we want to withhold this self-love until we become the best version of ourselves.

This isn’t beneficial to your growth as you should love yourself wherever you are in life.

We are all works in progress and will spend the rest our lives growing.

Find out who you are in this moment and love that person. Whatever you may like or dislike about yourself should never change the love that you have for yourself.

Everything about you is deserving of love.

3. My mind is sharp, my soul is peaceful, and my body is strong.

These types of positive affirmations speak to your mind, body, and soul.

Every part of your life must be in balance for you to truly be at peace with who you are.

You are in control of how you feel and you should be intentional about this through the positive affirmations you tell yourself.

Regardless of what is going on in your life, you can take control of your situation by speaking truth to them.

Telling yourself that your mind is sharp, your soul is peaceful, and your body is strong (even if you don’t feel that way at the moment), will allow you transition into feeling like this.

By speaking this into your life, you’ll eventually find these statements to be true.

4. I can do anything.

A lot of times, most of us feel that we can accomplish certain things in our lives, if only we had more of something.

Whether it’s more money, more education, more professional experience, or anything similar, most people end up holding themselves back from moving forward in life because they believe they need to wait before they can begin.

The best way to start going after a goal is to do it. It doesn’t matter what resources you have—you can do anything just as you are with what you have now.

These positive affirmations encourage you to use the energy, strength, mental stamina, and resources you have right now to get started. 

5. Everything that happens to me is for the greater good.

Positive affirmations like this one show you that everything in life is working together for your greatest good.

Certainly, good things and bad things can happen in life, but that’s life.

We must accept both the good and the bad as we work to become stronger people. It’s important not to victimize yourself when bad things happen.

Say this affirmation to yourself and apply it to your life, regardless of what happens. Everything that you go thought serves to make you a stronger person.

Positive affirmations like this one teach you that everything happens for a reason.

6. I choose what I want to happen for myself.

You are the creator of your life.

You are in control of what happens in your life: you choose what friends you have, what work you do, how you spend your time, and what long-term goals to work towards.

Starting the day with this type of affirmation allows you to set the tone for the day. Everything that you do throughout the day will work to further create the life you are building.

If you don’t like the direction your life is heading, it is your responsibility to change it. As you are the architect of your life, you can choose to change your life any time you see fit.

7. I am letting go of the hurt I’ve felt in my past.

Things that have hurt you in the past should stay in the past.

Certainly, healing takes time, but if you are still burdened by past events, it’s time to start letting go.

There’s a reason the old saying explains that holding on to past hurt is akin to taking poison hoping the other person gets sick. The only person that is being hurt from this anger and unforgiveness is you. 

Holding onto the pain you’ve felt in the past will only keep you in the past.

Replaying these events in your head will prevent you from growing into the best version of yourself.

Once you’ve made the choice to forgive, release the hurt you feel and decide to use this experience as a lesson as you move forward in life.

Use these following tips to help you let go of past hurt:

1. Choose to let go.

Making the decision is the first step in letting things go. Though you may still feel hurt, make a conscious effort to let go.

This means avoiding replaying these things in your head and choosing to let the past become the past.

2. Express your pain.

Expressing what you feel is part of the process. If you feel pain, experience it.

Feel the hurt—cry about it, write out your feelings, or talk to a friend. However, you choose to express these feelings, getting out all of these emotions is essential to moving past your pain.

3. Don’t victimize yourself.

Part of moving on from the past is choosing to avoid being a victim. At the heart of the situation, you may have been wronged, but it’s time to stop holding onto those feelings.

You are no longer a victim—you’re a survivor.

You came out of this stronger and are going to carry that strength with you for the rest of your life.

Now that you’ve let go, these events, this trauma, and the victimizer has no power over you anymore. You’re in control again.

8. I can conquer any challenges that come before me.

Your abilities are limitless.

Sure, life will throw curveballs your way, but you are capable of handling all of them.

The only limits in your life are the ones that you put there yourself.

positive affirmations
Believe it, then achieve it.

Whatever you want in life is achievable and you have the power inside yourself to handle whatever it takes to get there.

Are you afraid of the potential outcome? You have greatness inside of you and you shouldn’t be afraid of anything.

Repeat this affirmation every day and remind yourself of how strong you are.

9. You are deserving of love, one of the most powerful positive affirmations.

There are times when we feel like no one might want or love us.

Regardless of how unlovable we may think we are, the truth is that we are all deserving of love.

Whoever you are, wherever you are in life—you are loved.

No one is perfect and no one should expect you to be. The right people in your life will love you for who you are, exactly as you are. 

If you find that someone can’t love you without trying to change you, they aren’t the right person for you.

The first place you should find unconditional love is in yourself. Anyone else’s love should be an additional benefit to the love you already have for yourself.

10. My future is bright. Greater things lie ahead than what I’ve left behind.

Use this affirmation to remind yourself that the best is yet to come.

Things are going to keep getting better for you from here on out. Whatever has happened in the past has brought you to where you are now.

Use all of these life lessons to keep motivating you to pursue the greatest that life has to offer.

Your future is brighter than you can imagine and your dreams are closer than you think. Keep going!

Final Thoughts on Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations let you take a few moments each day to reset your mind and transform your outlook on yourself and your life. This life is the only one you’ll get, so it’s time to start living as you mean it.

Use these affirmations to get started on your mindfulness journey. As you spend more time meditating on what you’d like out of life, create some affirmations of your own that will refuel your lust for life.