Tag: fever

  • 10 Signs of Diverticulitis (and What To Do)

    10 Signs of Diverticulitis (and What To Do)

    Here’s hope for healing this inflammatory disease. Knowledge is not just power—it’s also a form of protection, especially regarding health. Diverticulitis is one of many health conditions that are crucial to understand. It can quietly affect many. However, it can be managed effectively with early detection and the right approach. This article will explore the…

  • 6 Signs of Gastroenteritis (and How to Relieve It)

    6 Signs of Gastroenteritis (and How to Relieve It)

    When you develop an infection in your gut caused by bacteria, it is called gastroenteritis. It happens when there is inflammation in your stomach and intestines. Sometimes this gastrointestinal infection is referred to as food poisoning or the stomach flu, as well. Viruses are the most common cause of gastrointestinal infections, but bacterial infections can…

  • 15 Red Flags That Reveal Mononucleosis

    15 Red Flags That Reveal Mononucleosis

    Mononucleosis is also called “the kissing disease” because it’s transferred by saliva. According to science, the first mention of this condition was in 1889 called glandular fever. It’s caused by either the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) or the cytomegalovirus. The most common age group to contract this virus is those between 10-35 years. However, it can…

  • 15 Epstein Barr Symptoms Never to Ignore

    15 Epstein Barr Symptoms Never to Ignore

    There are so many viruses out there that it can be hard to stay away from them all. Everyone probably contracts a virus at some point in their lives. Unfortunately, the Epstein Barr virus is a common one. Keep reading to find out more about this virus and symptoms you shouldn’t ignore. About the Epstein…

  • 10 Flu Season Survival Tips Never to Overlook

    10 Flu Season Survival Tips Never to Overlook

    Millions of people get influenza or flu every winter. The flu is caused by small germs called viruses that spread easily from person to person. Typically, the flu doesn’t make you extremely sick, but it’s life-threatening for individuals with underlying conditions like diabetes or cardiovascular disease. Even though you may not be at high risk,…

  • 10 Red Flags That May Reveal Liver Toxicity

    10 Red Flags That May Reveal Liver Toxicity

    Liver toxicity is a condition that occurs far too often for a mostly preventable condition. It’s reversible up to a certain point, but many people pass that point of no return every year. The result of this is dreadful and usually ends fatally. Identifying the condition early is the key to reversing the damage, but…