
Quotes to Be Happy Even on Your Darkest Days

Life has its highs and lows, and no one is exempt from experiencing disappointments, grief, and pain at some point. When going through those downtimes, you can help turn the tide by a little self-therapy in the form of quotes to be happy by combined with measured positive responses.

There are different ways of dealing with negative pressure, and we don’t all respond to the same types of encouragement. Some people may need to laugh. Others may need a good cry. Some may need family and friends to stay close. Others may need periods of solitude.

A favorite quote when life is playing hardball is this short reminder (paraphrasing John Shipp):

In every situation, you can choose to get bitter or better.

Just this simple advice can help save us from the grief of many a pity-party or self-indulgent pout. Studies confirm the importance of keeping a positive attitude and being careful about how we treat ourselves in difficult times.

It may undoubtedly be true that it doesn’t require inspiring quotes to be happy. But they can help by focusing our minds on the positive. Some people may need a quote to make them laugh, others, to make them think. And of course, there are times when you may be looking for some inspirational saying to give away to a friend, coworker, or family member.

It’s essential to keep a positive view of life in general, even if the moment seems to be wholly negative.

20 Quotes to Be Happy Even When You’re Down

quotes to be happy

1. “I have been bent and broken, but—I hope—into a better shape.” -Charles Dickens

An inspirational quote you can read again and again to keep you on track for better days. You are resilient and strong.

2. “Bad days turn, to manageable days, to nothing can break my days.” -Unknown

Changing your focus can make all the difference. Things will get better from here.

3. “We all have our problems, bad times, and bad days. But there is so much more in life than problems. So irrespective of your problems, make time to love, to smile, and to pray.” -Anurag Prakash Ray

Sometimes the best thing we can do is stand up, take a look around us at the nature of life, and decide to be happy. Make a mindful decision to embrace joy today.

4. “Some days, you just have to create your own sunshine.” -Unknown

Choose to be kind no matter what life throws at you. It helps to heal many hurts.

5. “Smile at each other, smile at your wife, smile at your husband, smile at your children, smile at each other—it doesn’t matter who it is—and that will help you grow up in greater love for each other.” -Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Sometimes enjoying a funny moment may be just the release you or a friend needs to be able to let go and begin living again with hope for the future. Laughter can even be a first step toward overcoming crippling fear. There are a lot of funny quotes to be happy about out there on the web. For some, healing may begin with a gentle chuckle bubbling up out of nowhere.

It may be true that one of the best medicines is laughter.

6. “Be happy. Smile even on your darkest days and worst times even though you’re broken up inside. If you can’t seem to do that, call your 2 or 3 best friends and tell them to pick up ice cream on the way over.” -Unknown

When we laugh, we forget for that moment just how awful life can be and remember how wonderful and absurd it can be instead.

7. “Smile. It might not make our problems disappear, but it will stop people from asking what’s wrong with you.” -Unknown

Smiling may not change the situation, but it can certainly lessen its impact on everyday life.

quotes to be happy

8. “I figured something out. The future is unpredictable.” – John Green

When bad things happen, you may feel frozen in time and space, afraid of failing or making things worse. Looking at the lighter side can help put things in their proper perspective.

9. “The elevator to success is out of order. You’ll have to use the stairs… one step at a time.” – Joe Girard

Reading quotes to be happy might lift your mood for the moment. However, you must remember that overcoming adversity–even bouncing back from failure–it a skill all beings must master.

10. “Optimist: someone who figures that taking a step backward after taking a step forward is not a disaster; it’s more like a cha-cha.” –Robert Brault

Some people seem to wax philosophical when difficulties come. You may try to dissect the reasons why, what you did wrong, what others did wrong, and so on. There are rarely apparent answers. Celebrate life as if it’s a dance!

As you muddle along, you might try a few quotes to be happy again and cope with the unanswerable questions.

11. “I find hope in the darkest of days and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe.” -Dalai Lama

It may be necessary to begin building a whole new tomorrow from the ashes of yesterday. The universe sets your ultimate plan–which will become apparent to you when it’s time.

12. Smile when in pain, smile when trouble pours like rain. Smile after someone hurt your feelings, because you know smiling always starts the healing. -Unknown

Sometimes a bad day gets better just by going through the motions of a good day. And you’ll be even happier when you face these days with a smile on your face.

13. “Appreciate where you are in your journey, even if it’s not where you want to be. Every season serves its purpose.” -Unknown

Keep on track to fulfilling your destiny. Things will turn your way when the time is right. Until then, buckle up and enjoy the ride.

14. “There are hundreds of languages in the world. But a smile speaks them all. And the best smile is the one which shines through troubles.” -Justice Cabral

Smiling. It’s a universal language. Your smile might make the day of someone who needs to see kindness.

15. “When you can’t control what’s happening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what’s happening. That’s where your power is.” -Unknown

Use your positivity to aid those in need. Offer your time and energy to help them recover. Or help them find the counseling they need if necessary. Often, the greatest asset we have for living a full and happy life is the investment we make in one another, no matter what’s going on in the world around us.

The most precious memories are the words of encouragement from your own heart to the ones you know best.

happy quotes

16. “Even on the worst days, you still manage to make me smile.” -Mary Gaohlee Thao

Love those closest to you, even on your dark days. Tell them how important they are to you–the mere act of expressing love is a special token of gratitude that will enrich your spirit.

17. “You are my everything, the reason I wake up in the morning. Just the thought of you brings a smile to my face that can last for days. The sound of your voice brings chills throughout my body. You make me the happiest that I have ever been. And to you, I am only a friend.” -Unknown

Feeling down because of unrequited love? As this quote demonstrates, you don’t struggle alone in this feeling. If the timing is right, your stars will align. And, if not, appreciate this special person as your close friend.

18. “I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being.” -Hafiz

A positive quote may challenge a person suffering from depression, disappointment, or grief to try to be happy again, both with themselves and the life they have in front of them.

19. “Don’t give up on the person you’re becoming.” -Unknown

You have the power to shine a light on the future, even on difficult, dark days.

20. “When things seem to be going against you…remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” -Henry Ford

We all face adversity in this world. Even the greatest minds and innovators were turned down until the Universe was ready for their innovations. Be patient.

quotes to be happyRemember These Quotes to Be Happy, Even on Your “Down” Days

Using quotes to be happy yourself or for others is just one way to be lifted up even on the darkest days of life. Learning to discern what is happening both around and in you can be a first step to creating a plan of recovery.

Give yourself or hurting friends the space needed to deal with difficult times. But when needed, don’t hesitate to ask for help from those you love and trust. Building a strong support group can be important, as well as building your own foundation so that you can stand on your own.

Time is a wonderful gift, and it often brings resolution we had not thought possible. It reveals our strengths and weaknesses and how they work together to make life an amazing adventure. With each new day, we can choose to be better. And taping a few encouraging quotes where we can see them and remind ourselves to look for the positive in each moment can help keep us excited about the days to come.